Unifying or Common Themes Dr. Charles Ophardt EDU 370
Systems Collection of things that have some influence on one another Parts interact with each other Can be large systems Or smaller subparts Can have systems within systems Useful in understanding how things work
System examples Universe Galaxy Stars Solar system Planets Earth Atomspehere, Hydrosphere, Ecosystem, Living Body
Models Helps make concrete the abstract Simplified imitation of something Used for better understanding Physical Model Drawing Equation Computer simulation Mental Model
Models Examples Solar System sizes or distances or both in one model Earth - various layers Atmosphere layers Model of the Moon or any of the planets Description of a comet as like a snowball
Constancy and Change I Constancy Systems do not change Examples: Force of Gravity Speed of light Stability and Equilibrium Example: Motion of objects around a larger object -Planets and moons
Constancy and Change II Conservation If a quantity is reduced in one place, an equal increase show up somewhere else Example: Law of Conservation of Matter or Energy Visible Matter versus Antimatter or Dark Matter
Constancy and Change III Patterns of Change Important to predict what has happened, is happening, and will happen in future. Technology wants to control change Changes may be: steady, occur in cycles, or are irregular Example: Seasons, Night/Day, Year, Phases of moon
Constancy and Change IV Trends Cycles Chaos Evolution Rates Interaction
Scale Time and space scales Depends on viewpoint Need models to understand both very large and very small scales Size and scale of universe Size and scale of atoms and molecules What is the scale for a specific science area?
Unifying Concepts Systems, order, organization Models, evidence, explanation Change, constancy, measurement Evolution and Equilibrium Space-Time relationships Patterns in nature Scale, Form and Function
References Science for All Americans http://www.project2061.org/tools/sfaaol/chap11.htm National Science Education Standards http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/nses/html/6a.html