Biodiversity & Conservation AP Environmental Science Review #6
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What is biodiversity? The variety of life across all levels of biological organization (genes, species, populations, communities)
What determines if organisms are part of the same species? If they can interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring.
Why are species with small populations more vulnerable to environmental change. They may lack genetic variants that would help them to adapt to novel conditions.
About how many species have been described by scientists as of now? About 1.8 million species, as of 2017
Provide some reasons why scientists have not discovered all species on Earth. Many species are small and overlooked, many species look similar, and some areas of Earth remain unexplored
True/False Species richness greatly increases as you approach the equator. True; this pattern is known as latitudinal gradient
Distinguish between extinction and extirpation. Extinction occurs when the last individual of a species dies. Extirpation occurs when is a species is no longer found in a certain geographical area.
Name the Extinction Event… Many tropical reefs, bivalves, and sponges went extinct 354 mya Late Devonian Many mollusks, brachiopods, and vertebrates went extinct 248 mya Late Permian
Name the Extinction Event… Many amphibians, marine vertebrates, and mammal-like reptiles went extinct Late Triassic Marine reptiles, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and ammonites went extinct 64 mya Late Cretaceous
True/False We are setting the 6th mass extinction in motion. True; if current trends continue we may see the extinction of more than half of all species which have existed this era
What is the IUCN Red List? IUCN stands for the International Union for Conservation of Nature which updates a “Red List” of species facing high risks of extinction
What is community-based conservation? When biologists actively engage local people in efforts to protect species and ecosystems
What are some current major causes of biodiversity loss? Habitat destruction, spread of invasive species, pollution (air, water, soil), climate change, and overexploitation of resources
Provide some examples of benefits of biodiversity. Ecosystem services (pollination, carbon storage), keeps pest populations in check, enhances food security, medicines, ecotourism, people appreciate nature, possible ethical obligations towards other species
Which branch of biology is devoted to understanding the factors related to the loss and restoration of species? Conservation biology
What is the primary U.S. legislation for protecting biodiversity? The Endangered Species Act of 1973
Many argue that not all of the species that should be receiving protection are protected by the Endangered Species Act. What might prevent them from being protected? Government funding is required to successfully protect species, and this usually limits which species receive protection
What is a safe harbor agreement? An arrangement that allows private landowners to harm species in some ways if they voluntarily improve habitat for the species in others
Provide examples of how climate change is affecting biodiversity. Species are migrating to new areas which changes ecosystem dynamics, some species are becoming extinct or losing habitat due to changes in climate
Describe the role of the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in protecting endangered species. It bans the international transport of endangered species’ body parts.
What were the goals of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity? Conserve biodiversity, use biodiversity in a sustainable manner, and ensure the fair distribution of biodiversity’s benefits
Explain the concept of “umbrella species” conservation. When you protect a charismatic umbrella species’ habitat, you are also protecting a large range of habitat for other species
What are some ecosystem services mangrove trees provide? Filtration of run-off, commercially important fish habitat, and protection of coastal regions from storms
What is a biodiversity hotspot? A region that supports an especially great number of species that are endemic (found nowhere else in the world)
What is the goal of ecological restoration? To reestablish the natural cycling of matter and flow of energy that make an ecosystem function (planting native species, cleaning up pollution and waste etc.)