This event will begin at 10:00 AM Overview of Fuels & Transportation Division Funding Programs Jacob Orenberg Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Office Fuels and Transportation Division February 26, 2016
Overview of Fuels and Transportation Division Funding Programs Jacob Orenberg Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Office Fuels and Transportation Division Sacramento, California February 26, 2016 10:00 AM
Purpose of the ARFVTP Health and Safety Code 44272(a) “…to develop and deploy innovative technologies that transform California’s fuel and vehicle types to help attain the state’s climate change policies.” Complementary state goals Improve air quality Increase alternative fuel use Reduce petroleum dependence Promote economic development
Origins in Statute Established by Assembly Bill 118 (Nunez, 2007) Up to $100 million per year Extended through January 1, 2024 by Assembly Bill 8 (Perea, 2013)
ARFVTP Projects Over $606 million awarded to more than 545 projects Awards include: 50 Biofuel Production Projects 7,490 EV Chargers 49 Hydrogen Refueling Stations 65 Natural Gas Fueling Stations 10,700 Electric Vehicles Rebates 2,809 Natural Gas Vehicles 22 Manufacturing Projects 14,762 Workforce Trainees 44 Advanced Technology Truck Demonstrations 34 Regional Readiness Grants
Distribution of ARFVTP Funding Air District Total Funding Amount ($ mil.) Percent of Total Funding Percent of State Population Bay Area 102.7 16.9 18.4 Monterey 9.4 1.6 2.0 Sacramento 24.9 4.1 3.6 Santa Barbara 3.3 0.5 1.1 San Diego 32.5 5.4 8.4 San Joaquin 85.8 14.2 10.5 South Coast 167.7 27.7 44.0 Ventura 1.3 0.2 2.2 Yolo-Solano 12.3 0.9 Other Northern California 16.7 2.8 8.9 Other Southern California 5.6 Statewide 143.8 23.7 - Total 606.0 100.0
Funding Process Investment Plan Solicitation GFO-YY-601 Solicitation Agreement ARV-YY-001 ARV-YY-002 ARV-YY-003 ARV-YY-004 ARV-YY-005 ARV-YY-006
Project Basics Application Components Agreement Components Application manual Evaluation criteria Match funding Site Selection CEQA Agreement Components Scope of Work Budget Terms & Conditions
Biofuel Production and Supply Production of advanced and low-carbon biofuels Biodiesel and renewable diesel Ethanol and other gasoline substitutes Biomethane Pre-commercial, demonstration, and commercial scale production facilities $20 million available for FY 2016-2017 (proposed)
Biofuel Production and Supply Blue Line Transfer, Inc.
Electric Charging Infrastructure Installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers Workplace, commercial, fleet, corridor, and multi-unit residential chargers $17 million available for FY 2016-2017 (proposed)
Electric Charging Infrastructure California State University, Fresno
Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Deploy hydrogen refueling station network 100 station goal to support initial vehicles Located throughout California in core markets and travel corridors $20 million available for FY 2016-2017 (proposed)
Natural Gas Fueling Infrastructure Deploy fueling infrastructure for natural gas vehicles Targets organizations with restricted access to financing (e.g. school districts and municipal fleets) $2.5 million available for FY 2016-2017 (proposed)
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Advanced Vehicle Technology Demonstration and Scale-Up Demonstration of MD/HD Vehicles Pre-commercial vehicles Alternative fuel powertrains Class 3 through 8 trucks Current focus on freight activities “Scale-up” of production facilities $23 million in FY 2016-2017 (proposed)
Mountain View Community Shuttle (Motiv Power Systems) Medium- and Heavy-Duty Advanced Vehicle Technology Demonstration and Scale-Up Mountain View Community Shuttle (Motiv Power Systems)
Workforce Training and Development Funding provided to other state agencies for alternative fuel workforce training California Community Colleges Employment Development Department Employment Training Panel
Other Focus Areas Natural Gas Vehicle Incentives Emerging Opportunities Regional Alternative Fuel Readiness
Stay Informed Sign up for Energy Commission List Server emails “opportunity” for Energy Commission funding announcements “altfuels” and “transportation” for ARFVTP-related developments Check for grant solicitations Current and past Energy Commission grant solicitations Notices of Proposed Award (NOPAs)
Find Partners via LinkedIn The Energy Commission has created a user-driven LinkedIn group page to help potential applicants connect, collaborate and partner on proposals for funding opportunities. Participants can join by: Searching for the “California Energy Commission Networking Hub” group; or Entering this link into your browser: Once there, find various subgroups that relate to specific funding opportunities by checking the “About this group” section of the Networking Hub.
Thank You General ARFVTP questions can be sent to: Please return to the main room by 11:00 AM after the breakout session has ended
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