Atomic Structure Vocabulary
Standard e. analyzing patterns within the periodic table that illustrate the structure, composition, and characteristics of atoms (protons, neutrons, and electrons) and simple molecules.
Periodic Table of Elements The periodic table is an arrangement of the chemical elements. Ordered by their atomic number (number of protons), electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties.
Introduction to the Periodic Table
The atom is the basic building block for all matter in the universe. Atoms are extremely small and are made up of a few even smaller particles.
Nucleus The positively charged center of an atom.
Just How Small is an Atom?
Electron The electron is a negatively charged particle that spins around the outside of the nucleus.
Proton The proton is a positively charged particle that is located at the center of the atom in the nucleus.
Neutron Located in the center of the nucleus with the Proton. The neutron doesn't have any charge. The number of neutrons affects the mass and the radioactivity of the atom.