The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov Using the SAS Flash Cards app, create a set of flashcards that use vocabulary from the excerpt “The Fun They Had” on pages 581 – 582 on your Holt textbook. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. This task uses: You and your partner(s) will choose 5 words from the in your Holt textbook. These 10 words should be vocabulary with which you are not very familiar. You may use the sheet provided to write down and define the words that you choose. On an iPod or iPad, open the app SAS Flashcards. Choose My Decks. Press the plus sign at the top of the screen to create a new deck. The next step will allow you to give all of the important characteristics of your deck: Subject: English Card Type: Text, Image, Sound Question Type: The teacher will tell you which to choose (differentiation). Card Deck Title: The Fun They Had Grade Level: 6 Author Name: Type first name of group members. Description: User created deck 7. Press Start Building. 8. Press the plus sign at the top of the screen to create your first card. 9. In the box titled Directive, type your question or statement. 10. Type your answer in the space provided. You do not need to complete the section titled Clarification. * After all groups have created their flashcards, devices will be rotated so that all of groups may practice each deck created. Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL.6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice of meaning and tone. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Martha Woods/ School: S. J. Welsh Grade Level/Subject: 6th ELA Task Card Level: Level 1 Special Directions/Considerations: The app is simple to use, but the students will need an opportunity to be introduced to the functions of the app. Activity Evaluation: Informal assessment through teacher observation as well as completion of flash card set. Prerequisites for students: Reading and analyzing the variety of pieces in the Author Study Text being used (from “The Fun They Had.” This science fiction story was written in 1951, before computers became common teaching tools.