Fantastic Pantomime Scene You will create a solo pantomime in which an ordinary person is doing an everyday activity and then something….. Fantastic Amazing Shocking Phenomenal Crazy Happens!!! Example: Your character might be babysitting or unloading the dishwasher and then the power goes out.
Pantomime Assignment Create a Solo Pantomime Scene. Scene must have 50 pantomime steps. There is no talking in scene (no mouthing words). There are no props. All props must be pantomimed. Scene must be complete and must have a problem or Conflict. Scene must be school appropriate. Each student will turn in a script with at least 50 pantomime steps.
Title: My Day After School Walk to door Put down backpack Unzip backpack Take Out Keys Unlock Door Put Key in backpack Zip backpack Pick up backpack Open Door Walk inside Close door Take off shoes Walk to refrigerator Open refrigerator Take out soda