ENEON: the Industry perspective 22/02/2019 ENEON: the Industry perspective Geoff Sawyer, EARSC Secretary General 1 1
EARSC BoD decided on 4th October: EARSC will create a Marketplace Alliance for EO Services (MAEOS) define policy and governance rules establish common European identity (thin front-end allowing access to distinct platforms and product comparison) provide market views and promote business development EARSC will enable the creation of an EOMall close collaboration between companies which decide together to set up a Marketplace platform Open to all; equal rights and responsibilities pre-package of legal, governance and business aspects to be presented in January.
Strong European capability: EARSC@ENEON 12th October 2016 New Opportunities New digital services built on big data Open data from public sources opening vast new application possibilities Global market for geospatial services where EO plays a key part. Threatened by: Strong commercial data supply from US suppliers underpinned by US policy (CIBORG). Entry of IT players into the geospatial market Emerging VA and geospatial players encouraged by US government outsourcing. Barriers! Industrial access to the Copernicus data and information Fragmentation of the industry driven by national approaches Public sector role in delivery of the services conflicting with industry (mission creep) Strong European capability: Copernicus, national programmes, IT skills and capabilities a strong and competent industry delivering EO products and services Excellent science base (ESA 2016 LP conference provides good example)
EARSC Position Paper (Feb 2016) Our position paper sets out the numerous challenges facing the EO services sector today, such as: Fragmentation of European industry – some 450 companies in Europe, most are Micro/SMEs Difficulty for companies to access Copernicus data Challenge as US IT giants enter the geospatial arena Procurement practices in-adapted to digital services Promotion of European EO services in export markets around the world Unclear boundary between public and private sector Download: http://earsc.org/file_download/308/EARSC+PP+-+Creating+a+European+marketplace+for+EO+services.pdf
What is EARSC’s Vision? A European Marketplace for EO services, with: A common identity where buyers can find European EO services, data and products of all kinds; Appropriate technical, legal, organisational and operational structures in place for the Marketplace to function; Operational platforms that link Copernicus and other geospatial data sources (public and private) on which to build EO Services; An environment whereby private initiatives can flourish (clear public / private roles). Our aim is to help overcome the fragmentation in the European industry, and enable companies to develop their business in a global market. To facilitate this, we propose to establish a European Marketplace Alliance for EO Services (MAEOS) EARSC@ENEON 12th October 2016
EARSC Vision: European Marketplace
Variety of data from all sources = Data platform EARSC Vision: European Marketplace Variety of data from all sources = Data platform
Tiered architecture
Stakeholder Consultation Even if 40% of the companies do wish MAEOS to include an operational Marketplace, support for this is not a majority. What should be within the MAEOS? Policy & Governance Market Support Common Identity Marketplace Operation
Marketplace tier with EOMall
MAEOS Three levels of participation / co-operation Close co-operation within new legal entity ie EOMall shared resources: market information, front-end / back-end, etc Co-operation through MAEOS Common identity, business development within shared policy & governance Member of EARSC as today Information flow, sector promotion plus lobbying
What will MAEOS provide? Common identity: promote the European industry, single web-site, brand development, Services / products Comparison. Policy and Governance: Open standards for selling data and services, Certification scheme promoting quality of services Compliance, code of conduct, best practices etc. Market Support: Business Intelligence on markets and bid opportunities Partnership building with other sectors and industries Business development : creating new opportunities.
What will EOMall provide? In addition to MAEOS, EOMall will provide: Marketplace: Operation of a common selling platform Gather and share market intelligence (anonymously) Common front end (proxy) but back-end with each individual company Common identity: New legal entity = company (or co-operative) with equal membership of MAEOS Policy & Governance: rules of the co-operation.
....... and ENEON? ENEON can be a useful measure to link to the MAEOS component of data platform embracing many diverse data sources bring together EO and in-situ data sources closer links between industry and science EARSC can follow / help define modalities for ENEON