Imperialism Policy of extending authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies
To Do.. Read the 3 documents and annotate them. Then use the readings to determine FOUR motivations for American Imperialism
Economic and political domination of weaker nation American Imperialism Economic and political domination of weaker nation
Causes of American Imperialism
1. Economic - desire for new markets European nations began expanding trading partners, U.S. decided to follow to keep the economy strong. More markets = More Money!
2. Feelings of Superiority Applied Social Darwinism — only the strongest and fittest country would survive. Justified the expansion of power
2. Feelings of Superiority Josiah Strong: a minister who believed that Christians were their “brother’s keeper”- had to go help others.
2. Feelings of Superiority White Man’s Burden: Poem by Rudyard Kipling; it was the responsibility, of the “white man” to spread ideas and beliefs to others.
2. Feelings of Superiority Anglo-Saxon Superiority developed– belief that English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government
3. Need for More Room Overcrowded cities and continued immigration. New territories= New homes
4. Assertion of National Power America wanted to be seen as a world power—especially in Europe. A Modern Navy: Capt. Alfred Mahan believed a strong navy was needed to protect merchant ships. Wrote Influence of Sea Power Upon History.
To do: Complete the analysis questions for the poem, White Man’s Burden. Complete the political cartoon analysis questions.
Foreign Policy Monroe Doctrine (1823)—Europe should stay out of affairs in the western hemisphere.
“Big Stick” Diplomacy Teddy Roosevelt wanted to make U.S. a global power through military presence Motto—“Speak softly but carry a big stick.”—don’t necessarily threaten others but let your presence be known…
“Big Stick” Diplomacy He also amended the Monroe Doctrine with the Roosevelt Corollary Said the U.S will intervene in countries of the W. Hemisphere in order to maintain economic and political stability
Dollar Diplomacy President William Taft’s belief Joining of business interests and diplomatic interests between two countries Create businesses abroad to help both countries
Dollar Diplomacy In some areas this worked, but in others the U.S. still intervened using military force Ex: Taft sent troops to put down a rebellion in Nicaragua to protect American lives and business interests
Moral Diplomacy President Wilson’s foreign policy: to do what’s “right” to help other countries prosper economically and politically (democracy). Wilson broke his own policy as the U.S. entered Haiti to protect American lives and business investments
Dominican Republic (1905) Fallen back on debt payments to European countries U.S. took on the debt
Nicaragua (1911) U.S. gave loans to help support their shaky government Rebellion led them to ask for more U.S. marines entered to help; created new customs system Stayed until 1925
Exit Ticket: Does the U.S. have the duty and responsibility or right to intervene in foreign affairs with other countries- explain and justify your answer!