The Take-Away What are they learning?
What we do INTRODUCTION counseling ART 251 admissions & records language labs ENGL 110 wellness MATH 100 transfer services CIS 120 CRER 101 learning center What do we do? A variety of things: but we’re all responsible for a little corner of it - like a chef who is just tasked with making the dessert. We assess what WE do, of course. We grade, do surveys, etc.
What students want INTRODUCTION But what do STUDENTS want? They want something specific (mostly).
what they’re experiencing INTRODUCTION what they’re experiencing
What we want for students INTRODUCTION What we want for students The thing is, we don’t assess these things. We know if we’re doing OK in ENGL 110 or CIS, or whether students are getting what they need from the A&R. But we really don’t know if they’re coming away with these overall skills.
the bigger picture Students need INTRODUCTION the bigger picture Students need interdisciplinary reinforcement of skills, knowledge and abilities clarity, cohesion and thoroughness in their courses of study academic and support services that connect the dots … and not just at the “program” level (i.e., degree or certificate) This is what we know students need. BTW, this is also something we think about at the program level. How do we assess this at the ILO level, though?
How do we assess institutional learning outcomes? INTRODUCTION but - How do we assess whether students are taking away these skills and abilities? How do we assess institutional learning outcomes? This is what we know students need. BTW, this is also something we think about at the program level. How do we assess this at the ILO level, though?
INTRODUCTION we do this together … and we have to assess it together.
INTRODUCTION Thanks to John Donne: No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine…. So: we have to do this together.
“Assessment is at bottom a conversation.” INTRODUCTION “Assessment is at bottom a conversation.” So, let’s begin!
The “assessment” conversation: INTRODUCTION The “assessment” conversation: interdisciplinary discussion & enquiry We don’t do exit exams; we don’t team-teach. We don’t even have that many majors in any one area - a lot of transfer students just xfer without taking a degree. So how can we tell how well we’re all cooperating to make a coherent experience for students, academically? Or helping them achieve their goals? Through the above - interdisciplinary discussion and enquiry. The enquiry is going on in the other room, with Ellen! But here we can also discuss.
INTRODUCTION Today’s goal: To think about what overall knowledge, skills and abilities students take away with them - to raise questions and concerns To brainstorm ideas for improving and/or assessing what students are learning overall To come away with a thought, idea or reflection for our own practice
What questions do you have about student learning? REFLECTION (1): What questions do you have about student learning? Think in terms of ILOs rather than program outcomes here - it’s not so much, Will my students get jobs? More, How will they do overall?
REFLECTION (1) Reflection (10 minutes) Brainstorm: What would you like to know about what your students are learning, beyond your classroom or office? Jot down your questions. Write each question down on a post-it (as many as you like) Pin each post-it to the “learning outcome” board that your question best applies to. (Just use your judgment.)
Questions can be specific - REFLECTION (1) Questions can be specific -
or more general REFLECTION (1) Communication Ethical reasoning Independent Learning Quantitative reasoning
GROUP DISCUSSION / SHARE OUT Pick the ILO that most interests you, or is most relevant to your work with students. At your table: Go over the board. If possible, organize the questions into related topics. Which do you think are most worth thinking about? 3. Which questions or topics resonate most with you, and why?
GROUP DISCUSSION / SHARE OUT Key concerns Common areas
Second reflection (10 minutes) What can we do to promote and/or assess interdisciplinary learning? I especially want you to come away with some ideas from your table, if poss. Nothing fancy but who knows.
Student Discussion Forum REFLECTION (2) You could think big! Student Discussion Forum We don’t have exit exams or anything. Some programs do but overall we don’t. So - clever ideas?
or stay local Experiment with a new teaching technique or assignment REFLECTION (2) or stay local Experiment with a new teaching technique or assignment We don’t have exit exams or anything. Some programs do but overall we don’t. So - clever ideas?
Second reflection (10 minutes) What can we do to promote and/or assess interdisciplinary learning?
Share-out Ideas for interdisciplinary collaboration GROUP DISCUSSION / SHARE-OUT Share-out Ideas for interdisciplinary collaboration Ideas for assessment I especially want you to come away with some ideas from your table, if poss. Nothing fancy but who knows.
What are you taking away? FINAL THOUGHTS What are you taking away? What is one question or idea you will take away from today? How does your class or service fit into this bigger picture? Has anything changed?
We will follow up on the conversation. FINAL THOUGHTS Come back in Spring! We will follow up on the conversation. How does your class or service fit into this bigger picture? Has anything changed?