Unit 5: Modern Era 1750-1900.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5: Modern Era 1750-1900

Tabs 5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism 5.2 Imperialism & Nation-States 5.3 Nationalism, Revolution & Reform 5.4 Global Migration (Still use 2 sheets; use the back for 5.4)

5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism Industrialization changed how goods were produced Required for Indust. Rev.: Land, Labor, Capital Effects: urbanization, environment, faster production Tech: steam engine, railroad Specialization of labor (textile industry) Spread to rest of Eur., Russ., Jap., US

5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism “2nd Indus. Rev.” =late 19th century w/ electricity & chemicals II. New patterns of global trade; industrialists seek raw materials decline of economically productive, agriculturally based economies Seek new consumer markets (China: Open Door Policy)

5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism III. Financial institutions to facilitate investments Bank loans & gov. sponsorship; stock market Capitalism (Adam Smith) Transnational business & corporations IV. Developed transport. & comm. Steam engine/coal; Unions = better working conditions China & Ottoman Emp. Struggled to Indust.

5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism Gov. sponsored Indust. Japan (Meiji) Egypt (Muhammad Ali) Reforms to adjust global capitalism Expansion of suffrage in GB Pub. Educat. Social Org. Large middle class Family dynamic & gender roles change

5.1 Industrialization & Capitalism Gov. sponsored Indust. Japan (Meiji) Egypt (Muhammad Ali) Reforms to adjust global capitalism Expansion of suffrage in GB Pub. Educat. Social Org. Large middle class Family dynamic & gender roles change urbanization= unsanitary conditions

5.2 Imperialism & Nation-States Transoceanic empires Increased control over colonies Eur., Am., Jap. Created empires in the Pacific; Port. & Span. Colonial control declined African colonies (Berlin Conference) Settler Colonies (N.Z., Aus., S. Afr.) II. Imperialism influenced state formation & contraction around the world Meiji Japan US & Russia expanded overseas empire Decline of Ottomans

5.2 Imperialism & Nation-States Nationalism fostered new communal identities III. Racial ideologies justified imperialism Social Darwinism

5.3 Nationalism, Revolution & Reform Enlightenment questioned established traditions; led to rebellion against governments Observe natural world & human relationships (Voltaire, Rousseau) New political ideas (Locke) Amer. Rev., French Rev., Latin Am. Rev. Led to expanded suffrage; abolition of slavery II. Discontent w/ Imperial rule led to anti-colonial movements

5.3 Nationalism, Revolution & Reform III. Development of liberalism, socialism, communism Emergence of feminism

5.4 Global Migration Migration changed demography Improved medicine & food prod. = pop. Growth Increased urbanization Global capitalist economy relied on coerced labor Women took on new roles Ethnic enclaves in different parts of world Ethnic and racial prejudice (Chinese Exclusion Acts)