EMIS Updates December 2007
General Updates Added new form files for enhancing ODE provided CSV files DISAB_NOT_FUNDED.FRM_CSV MISSING_KRAL.FRM_CSV PS_ECO_MISSING.FRM_CSV STAFF_MISSING.FRM_CSV STUDENT_MISSING.FRM_CSV Allows the inclusion of the name and the EMIS ID to the output for use in reporting
General Updates Modified existing form files for enhancing ODE provided CSV files MISSING_PS_ASQSE.FRM_CSV MISSING_PS_GGG.FRM_CSV Added details for district and building as applicable
General Updates Removed obsolete EMS_ECE report Removed from MENU options Removed prior disability field from HANDICAP and DISAVD_SUM Removed program completer from CTA_RPT
Highly Qualified Teacher Updates were completed for the FY08 reporting Subject codes removed and added to those requiring HQT EMSSCN/EMSHQT HQTEXT HQTPRS HQTRPT HQT_STAT EMSAGG routines
File Updates Testing combination file was updated per ODE Options file September release Additional updates Options file Required updates for October reporting Required updates for December reporting CTA validations file ODE provided an update for CTA validations VT 010901 / VT1 170700 added
Aggregation Updates October 08 Problems corrected Field validations added Admission reason Graduation credit units Diploma date Warnings for October Fatals for subsequent reporting cycles Corporal punishment ECO records showing inaccurate fatal errors
Aggregation Updates Problems corrected; continued Modified to prevent proficiency validations from occurring on summer graduates OGT only needed for these Issue with excessive run times WECEP validations No longer includes VV1 Course types CTAE validations Correct list of courses for concentrator status
Aggregation Updates Initial release of December aggregations Includes data for attending/home status and date of birth for Handicap Count records being sent to ODE Update to include “Z” as valid status for students
EMSRDET/EMSVLD Corrected an issue causing position code 208 to require an assignment area when it should not be
EMIS Technical Updates December 2007
Technical Updates ODEVSCR.IDX GIVE.IDX DMSCLA.LIB Modified installation procedures to copy this file to proper location GIVE.IDX Update to include additional check for course type/subject code combinations DMSCLA.LIB Corrected problem with layout of GN (Student Course) records
Technical Updates UDMS Updates to the following for fields removed HANDICAP DISADV_SUM CTA_RPT Updates to the following for fields added D3A2_ID_SSID D3A2_STU_ENROLL D3A2_STU_INFO