Task Force Household Budget Survey Innovative tools and sources Opening Luxembourg, 12-13 December 2017 12/12/2017 – Didier Dupre European Commission, DG Eurostat the statistical office of the European Union Unit F4 – Income and living conditions; Quality of life
HBS TF meeting focus Modernise the data collection to complete the survey TF members share experiences about modernisation projects To be informed about national and European initiatives on modernisation Business needs for the future Identify potential variables and data sources Start setting up an inventory (tools, sources); create comparable descriptions of existing tools Set up an action plan until End 2018
Important… social event, start 19:30! Address Independent Café 6 bd F-D Roosevelt 2450 Luxembourg Tel. 27 47 87 78 Near St. Esprit parking, 5 mins. walk from Place d'armes (Christmas market)