Salary Study Subcommittee Report 9/29/15
Charter In order to meet the needs of our students and our community, and to provide the best education possible, the District wishes to retain and recruit highly qualified teachers and competent support staff. The purpose of the Salary Study Subcommittee is to revise current salary schedules and create a new methodology for assigning service credit, based on results of the salary study and other analysis. The revised salary schedules will be simple to use and understand and will offer competitive compensation that is desirable to current and prospective employees.
Work to date Committee Members Two meetings to date Ms. Rosemary English, Mr. Levi Green, Mr. Wesley Hightower, Dr. Sean Alford, Ms. Joy Shealy, Mr. Tray Traxler, Ms. Tomika Smalls, Mr. Carl White, Ms. Jenny Floth, Mr. Keith Liner Two meetings to date Continue to work on salary schedules and service credit formula Next Meeting 10/2/15 9:00 am – 10:30 am Brookhaven
Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding! 90% of students in Class of 2016 earned National Career Readiness Certificate (WorkKeys) Students ready for the work force 18 students earned highest certification - Platinum