1 Feng Shui: Wind and Water Five Elements Feng Shui Patti Farley Feng Shui Consultant Certificate of Higher Diploma, FSRC Phone:512-470-7400


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Presentation transcript:

1 Feng Shui: Wind and Water Five Elements Feng Shui Patti Farley Feng Shui Consultant Certificate of Higher Diploma, FSRC Phone:

2 What does Feng Shui mean? The term Feng Shui ( ) originated from the expression Qi is dispersed by the wind ( ), and retained by the water ( ). Feng Shui is the study of how to prevent Qi from being dispersed by wind and how to use water to retain it for our benefit.

3 The Ideal Home The back is supported by the black turtle or mountain to protect from invasion and strong winds, to keep the qi from dispersing. The front is open, clear and level (the Ming Tang) to allow the qi to linger and circulate, with a small low wall or mound, called the phoenix or red bird, to retain the qi, and a body of water or a roadway beyond to bring the qi to the site. The green dragon, to the left looking out from the front, is a wall or land feature slightly higher than the Phoenix. The white tiger, to the right as look out from the front, is slightly higher than the green dragon. The home is then protected on three sides and open in front.

4 Balance: Yin and Yang Balancing the ever-changing yin and yang characteristics is an important part of Feng Shui. EnergyCharacteristicDomain Yindark, quiet, still, and yielding relationships, health, and the home Yangmoving, light, bright, noisy money, abundance, and business

5 Extremes of Yin or Yang Fast, straight roads or walkways Long straight and often dark hallways within homes or offices Any type of really strong qi, such as a highway overpass or even an ocean view, if not properly handled, can bring overwhelming qi Any type of really dark space or with too much vegetation, overhanging trees, dark corners, no sunlight House right on top of a windy mountain, or the opposite, at the bottom of a flood plain or in a swamp; house on the edge of a cliff Homes and many businesses located next to graveyards, slaughterhouses, hospitals or firehouses with sirens blaring, funeral parlors Areas that are unsightly, unclean or cluttered

6 Tangible and Intangible Qi Qi exists in both tangible and intangible forms. –The arrangement of objects, their color, the amount of light in a room, are aspects of the tangible Qi –The intangible Qi is something that our five senses cannot perceive Even if a house appears to have good Feng Shui, people can still have misfortune. In this case, the intangible form of the Qi of the house must account for the misfortune and must be addressed. In order to address the intangible Qi, Chinese Feng Shui masters have developed formulas based on space and time which give precise and unique Qi maps for a given space.

7 Flying Stars Feng Shui The energies of a space are determined by the facing and sitting directions and the time of construction. The direction of the facing and sitting is determined using the loupan. This information yields a precise Qi map that is specific to a space.

8 Flying Star Floorplan This is an example of a Qi map for a home, which is used to determine placement of any needed Feng Shui adjustments.

9 Adjusting the Qi Some items that may be suggested to adjust the Qi of a home include water features, chiming clocks and calabashes for particular areas. The calabash, or Chinese medicine gourd, may look funny, but it is a miracle worker. The ancient Chinese carried medicine in these gourds and left them at the patients bedside- because they work wonders.

10 Features That Can Cause Problems Large power lines nearby homes Tall overpowering buildings over a much smaller home or office Poison arrows-sharp right angles pointed at entrances or where sleeping, resting or studying. Windows behind the head of beds or behind desks Desks placed where the back is to the door Desks, important chairs or beds placed in the flow of qi of the doorway Sharp descent down driveway pointed straight at home House on a T-junction or Y-junction Tall tree directly in front of entrance, say within 20 feet Beams or indented ceilings edges over beds, sitting areas or desks Roads both directly behind and in front of a home. Open flat land with no support behind the home or office Mirrors opposite the entrance to home Bathrooms in the center of the house Mirrors in a bedroom reflecting the bed.

11 Things to be cautious about Water features Large amounts of the color Red Clutter

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