Marlow Elementary School Helpful Websites: 2018-2019 5th Grade Teachers More websites will be available throughout the year. Look for student user names/passwords to come home once programs begin. Brooke Burns Rachael Dudley Ginger Lupton Amanda Marrero Cindy Quinones To change this brochure, replace the sample content with your own. If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, copy any of the existing placeholders, then drag the new one into place. Marlow Elementary School 5th Grade 2018-2019 1
We have high expectations What can I expect in 5th Grade? HOMEWORK POLICY: ATTENDANCE: While we are still guiding our 5th graders, your student will need to become more independent with daily tasks. Writing down homework weekly in the student planner. Completing and turning in all class work and homework on time. Keeping up with the 3-ring binder and organizing subjects using dividers. Sharpening pencils and getting out supplies for the day. Keeping up with study guides for math, science, and social studies. These are given in advance. Getting graded papers signed on Wednesdays and returned no later than Friday of the same week. Passing Milestones in the subjects of ELA and Math for promotion. Students who are absent, tardy, or leaving early are missing content that cannot be made up. Missed assignments are due back within 3 days of your absence. Homework will be recorded in the students’ planners at the beginning of every week. Homework is due the very next day. Homework is graded on effort and is factored into your child’s grade. Therefore, it is a vital part of success. Students who do not complete homework in its entirety will lose the opportunity to select recess activities. Students who do not do their homework lose practice and an opportunity for teacher feedback. Parents are notified each time homework is not completed. Students who have no more than 3 incomplete/missing assignments in a nine weeks period are rewarded with a fun activity. APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: We have high expectations for behavior in 5th grade. We will not tolerate dishonesty, foul/derogatory language, disrespect towards other students and/or adults. *Foul language includes profanity and words that are commonly used to replace profanity.