Thomas Korth, Robert Girvin, Jennifer Nikkel, Allan Terry, Ryan Murphy


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative Project – Survey Results Qualities of a Good Principal / Administrator Thomas Korth, Robert Girvin, Jennifer Nikkel, Allan Terry, Ryan Murphy Saginaw Valley State University Research & Data EDL 631 Dr. Hansen

Survey Researching Administrator Effectiveness The type of research that was used in this study was both quantitative and qualitative research questions in the form of a survey to be completed within a personal interview format.

Sampling Method The research sampling method that was used in this research was a survey consisting of 14 questions developed and agreed upon by the students of the research class. Each individual participant in the survey was contacted in order to set an appointment for the interview in which to conduct the survey. The research class was divided into three groups with each group analyzing the overall collection of class data as well as, that data collected within the separate group (individual/sub group).

The survey was comprised of fourteen questions. Survey Questionnaire The survey was comprised of fourteen questions.

Respondents Each individual student of the research class met with their individual mentor an agreed upon location for the interview and to answer the survey questions.

Principal / Administrator Introduction Survey Results Qualities of a Good Principal / Administrator The survey results revealed that the mentors were compromised of 9 male and 5 female participants.

Individual group (sub group) The survey score results revealed that the mentors were compromised of 4 male and 1 female participants

Urban to Suburban Out of all 14 surveyed five participants were from urban school buildings and nine were from suburban school buildings.

Sub Group Of the five participants, two were from urban school buildings and three were from suburban school buildings.

How many administrators were surveyed for this research project? Candy time Thinking back on the previous slides…. How many administrators were surveyed for this research project? How many administrators are in an urban setting?

Role as the Administrator The majority of 8 responded that they were in the role as an administrator for five years or less. 3 responded they were in the role as administrator between 6-10 years, with 2 having the responsibility for 11-15 and 1 respondent was an administrator for at least 16 years

Sub group As an administrator, 2 respondents were in their position for five years or less, 2 were administrators for 11-15 years and 1 was an administrator for 16 years or more.

Working in the education field Prior to becoming an administrator, 8 responded that they worked in the field of education between 6-10 years, with 4 having 11-15 years of education experience and 2 with at least 16 years of experience.

Sub group Overall experience in the field of education was measurable with 3 working in education for 6-10 years and 2 having 16 years or more in education.

Management Plan Out of the 14 respondents to the survey, the average of 3.5 (neutral and agree) believed that their current behavior management plan was effective in their building.

SUB Group Of the 5 respondents to the survey, the average of 3.6 believed that their current behavior management plan was effective in their building. Comparing this data to the overall class data of 3.5 as an average who believed that their current behavior management plan was effective in their building; the results present a similar average.

Candy Time How many administrators out of the whole group had 16 or more years in the education field?

visible in classroom throughout the week Out of all 14, this subject was the most even in response distributed among the data.

Sub Group The amount of time the sub group administrators were visible in the classroom was spread close to even with 2 responding as 3-5 hours per week with 1 responding 0-2, 1 responding to 6-8 and 1 responding to 9+.

Candy time Can you tell me something about this survey. Thinking back on the previous slides…. Can you tell me something about this survey.

Offering Staff Feed Back In Evaluating how often they as an administrator gave their teachers individual feedback, 11, or the majority of the respondents to the survey were in the range of monthly or weekly.

Sub Group 1 respondent being able to provide quarterly feedback, while 2 were able to provide feedback monthly and 2 on a weekly basis.

Professional Development 8 respondents believed 21-40 hours were sufficient in one school year.

Sub group on P.D. With the subject of professional development hours for teachers in one school year, the data was unanimous as 21-40 hours.

Candy time Thinking back on the previous slides…. Can you tell me something about this survey?

Collaborating with staff and Staff Support with admin Decisions 1- Strongly disagree 2- Disagree 3- Neutral 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree Collaborating with staff and Staff Support with admin Decisions Regarding working with their administrative staff dealing with collaboration effectiveness and how the staff supports their administrative decisions; The overall response was tied at an average of 3.71. The overall sub group was an average 3.6.

curriculum alignment with State standards and common core guidelines 1- Strongly disagree 2- Disagree 3- Neutral 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree curriculum alignment with State standards and common core guidelines The curriculum alignment with State standards and common core guidelines resulted in an overall response average of 4.43. Overall sub group average of 4.43 (Agree and Strongly Agree)

Personal Decision Making Time Among the entire survey of respondents, personal decision making time measured at the lower end of the scale of 0-5 hours per week.

Among the sub group survey of respondents Personal decision making time measured from 2 respondents at the lower end of the scale of 0-5 hours per week, with 2 at 11-15 hours per week and 1 at least 16 hours per week.

Candy time Thinking back on the previous slides…. How much time do you spend on personal decision making? Do you think this is important? Why or why not?

Spending time on school related issues in addition to your schedule hours Whole Group Data supported the fact that other school related issues needing attention in addition to the regularly scheduled hours as an administrator was measured at 6-10 additional hours per week.

Sub Group Sub group, 1 at 6-10 additional hours per week, 3 respondents at 11-15 hours per week and 1 at least 16 hours per week.

Time aside from Behavioral Issues The amount of time spent with students apart from behavioral issues also ranged from 6-10 hours per week.

Sub Group Sub Group The amount of time spent with students apart from behavioral issues ranged had 1 response from 0-5, with 1 ranging from 11-15, with the other 3 responding from 6-10 hours per week.

Average Percentage of Parent Involvement When the survey measured parental involvement within the individual buildings, the highest measure was 6 answering 0-25% with the other responses more equally divided.

Average Percentage of Parent Involvement Sub group, the largest measure was 2 answering 0-25% with the other responses equally divided with 1 in the remaining data categories.

Community Involvement The question specific to what percentage of the community is involved with school initiatives; the majority of 8 responded 0-25% of parents being involved.

Sub group The data showed low parental involvement with 3 responding at 0-25% of parents being involved and 2 from 26-50% of parental involvement

Candy time Thinking back on the previous slides…. Is Parent Involvement important in schools? What is your opinion?

Conclusion The comparison of overall relationships to the quantitative data collected from the surveys indicates administrators whether new to the role as administrator or seasoned with prior years involved in work within education illustrate a low overall average of effectiveness as it relates to behavior management within their individual building.

conclusion Coupled with that information the data indicates the administrator has limited time to be in the classrooms, involved with teacher feedback, able to reflect on personal decision making skills, all due in part to the demands of additional work related school issues and student behavioral matters during the week.

conclusion The data of parental involvement being at 50% or less adds to the deficient support and volunteer work within the community as a whole which places more demands and work on the administrator and their staff.

Do you agree with this survey?

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Candy time Thinking back on the previous slides…. Explain why or why you don’t agree with the survey?