Arc Hydro Terrain Processing Exercise 3 Input Data HydroID Assignment
HydroID Assignment Used in this exercise Unused in this exercise Catchment HydroID = 535 to 654 (120 Catchments) DrainageLine HydroID = 655 to 774 (120 Drainage Lines) AdjointCatchment HydroID = 775 to 828 (54 Adjoint Catchments) DrainagePoint HydroID = 949 to 1068 (120 Drainage Points) HydroID is always unique – if you create a feature class and then delete it or overwrite it, HydroID’s are all assigned new
HydroID - DrainID HydroID of Catchment = DrainID of DrainageLine and DrainagePoint
NextDownID NextDownID = 549 NextDownID = 557 NextDownID = 549 NextDownID of a Catchment is HydroID of next downstream Catchment
Tracing by NextDownID Tracing Downstream Each catchment has only one downstream catchment (like a DEM cell)
Upstream Tracing using Next DownID