Personal Evangelism Need Benefits & Blessings
Personal Evangelism A great supper is prepared, Lk. 14:15-24 Some refuse to come Some come, but the Master wants more How does this happen? His servants go out & invite
Personal Evangelism It is our duty to invite others to the feast Various reactions Don’t know who will accept Ongoing work
Personal Evangelism Need Benefits & Blessings
Personal Evangelism Need The world is lost in sin & doomed All sin, Rom. 3:23 Under sway of devil, 1 Jn. 5:19 No hope, Eph. 2:12
Personal Evangelism Need Jesus came to save sinners, 1 Tim. 1:15 Left heaven, 2 Cor. 8:9 Offered Himself, Jn. 6:51; Gal. 2:20 Endured the cross, Phil. 2:8
Personal Evangelism Need Jesus gave the “great commission” Make disciples of all nations, Mt. 28:19, 20 Preach the gospel to every creature, Mk. 16:15, 16 Repentance & remission of sins Preached to all nations, Lk. 24:46 47
Personal Evangelism Need Great commission implemented, Acts About 3,000 obeyed, Acts 2:41 Increase to about 5,000, Acts 4:4 Increasingly added, Acts 5:14 Persecuted & scattered, Acts 8:1 Christians scattered, except apostles Went preaching, Acts 8:4 Conversions, Acts 11:19-21
Personal Evangelism Need It should be our desire to teach others The “golden rule,” Mt. 7:12 Light of the world, Mt. 5:14-16 Mind of Christ, Phil. 2:5-9; Lk. 19:10
Personal Evangelism Benefits & Blessings The Kingdom grows through evangelism, Acts 2:41; 4:4; 5:14
Personal Evangelism Benefits & Blessings We grow as we exercise our abilities, Mk. 4:21-25 Build knowledge Build strength Build confidence
Personal Evangelism Benefits & Blessings We labor with the Lord, 1 Cor. 3:5-9 Involved in greatest cause EVER Working with God
Personal Evangelism Benefits & Blessings There is an eternal reward, Mt. 25:14-30 Ability to lead others to Christ Opportunities to lead others Reward for faithful service
Personal Evangelism Benefits & Blessings Personal evangelism will help ensure this congregation survives to another generation Churches once large, not small or gone Do we want our children/grandchildren to have a group with which to worship?