Operations and Release Working Group 11 December 2018 Stephen J Winnie
Agenda Item Description Who Time 1. Tea and coffee All 09:30-10:00 2. Welcome and introduction Objectives for the day Stephen Winnie 10:00-10:15 3. MOSL updates Release Schedule 2018-2019 Consultation on a CMOS 6.5 Release RF restart plan Maintenance Schedule 2019 10:15-11:30 Break 11:30 – 11:45 4. Workshop Test systems data refresh Plan Consultation 11:45 – 12:30 Lunch 12:30-13:15 5. Pipeline Changes Non-Code Changes TP Questions 13:15–14:30 6. AOB and Wrap up. Meeting Close. 14:30 – 15:00
Release Management
Release Management – R6.0 CPW025 TCORRs to be applied to DEREG SPIDs CPW038 Tariff Report Updates – standing data CPW040 NAPS report extension – columns for submitted transactions CPW042/DCP005 Reads MDS - add reread flag Functionality scope declared and confirmed Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 July 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2018 MPS_2 deployment 19 April 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 10 May 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 17 May 2019
Release Management – R7.0 Consideration for 7.0 Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 April 2019 MPS_2 deployment 04 October 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 25 October 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 08 November 2019 (moved to avoid Settlement runs) CPW047/DCP006: Meter Networks for SWR/TE WHL CPW050 / DCP011 / PIP011 - Long Unread meter report updates
Release Management – R8.0 Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 July 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2019 MPS_2 deployment 17 April 2020 for TP testing TP testing to complete 08 May 2020 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 15 May 2020
Release Management – R9.0 Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2020 Ofwat approval of CPW content 01 May 2020 MPS_2 deployment 02 October 2020 for TP testing TP testing to complete 23 October 2020 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 6 November 2020 (avoid Settlement runs)
Release Management – R6.5 - TBC Consideration for 6.5 Early deployment of CPW047 requested by Panel Consultation will be issued to Industry Must have no impact on 6.0 or 7.0 Would be between 6.0 and 7.0 CGI will confirm earliest period of deployment Industry must evaluate risk to own timelines CPW047/DCP006: Meter Networks for SWR/TE WHL
Systems Code versions System Version as from date PRD 5.0.4(36132) 07/12/2018 MPS 11/12/2018 MPS_2 03/12/2018
RF – Plan
RF Settlement run Ofwat APPROVED deferral of RF runs for four to six months Panel to be involved in restart timetable Required to run backlog of RF in sequence March 2017, April 2017, May 2917 etc Require to plan runs to allow opportunity to challenge/rectify and rerun. Panel engaged to discuss restart plan and timeframe Panel recommended to delay the double running – March has one RF, then 2 per month starting in April.
RF Settlement run Invoice period Month RF run originally due to be run in Month RF run to be run in Proposed G read execution date Proposed RF execution date Proposed RF publication date Apr-17 September 2018 March 2019 02-03-19 03-03-19 06-03-18 May-17 October 2018 April 2019 02-04-19 03-04-19 04-04-19 Jun-17 November 2018 15-04-19 16-04-19 18-04-19 Jul-17 December 2018 May 2019 02-05-19 03-05-19 07-05-19 Aug-17 January 2019 15-05-19 19-05-19 21-05-19 Sep-17 February 2019 June 2019 02-06-19 03-06-19 06-06-19 Oct-17 17-06-19 18-06-19 20-06-19 March has one RF, then 2 per month starting in April.
RF Settlement run Nov-17 April 2019 July 2019 02-07-19 03-07-19 04-07-19 Dec-17 May 2019 15-07-19 16-07-19 18-07-19 Jan-18 June 2019 August 2019 02-08-19 03-08-19 06-08-19 Feb-18 17-08-19 18-08-19 20-08-19 Mar-18 September 2019 02-09-19 03-09-19 05-09-19 Apr-18 16-09-19 17-09-19 19-9-18 May-18 October 2019 02-10-19 03-10-19 04-10-19
Maintenance Schedule 2019 Published on MOSL website Quarterly January April ** 19th & 22nd Bank Holiday ** Tuesday 22/01/2019 Tuesday 16/04/2019 PRE PROD Saturday 02/02/2019 Saturday 27/04/2018 PROD July October Tuesday 16/07/2019 Tuesday 22/10/2019 Saturday 27/07/2018 Saturday 02/11/2019 Tuesday 21/01/2020 Saturday 01/02/2020 Published on MOSL website CMOS/Training/MOSL Guidance
Test Systems
Test System Management MPS and MPS_2 MPS – as Production Build refreshed dataset to remove old data Retain data in system MPS_2 Production plus one Create new test data for the duration of the test process Purge after use Industry consultation – Options discussed TD SPID list supplied by TP and MOSL extract data based on SPID list TP supplies files of data to be loaded as per IDU (different format) Transaction processing LVI / MVI / HVI
Change Pipeline
Release Management – Pipeline. System affecting Pipeline Change Proposer SYS affect PIP006/DCP013 - Vacancy Challenge process February Panel Thames YES PIP008 - Notifications for Retailers prior to T103.R submission January Panel PIP007/PIP012- TDC individual SPIDs in Settlement Settlement run at SPID level - CMOS TDC PIP004 - SPD Cascade Erasure December Panel DCP012 - Removal of submission time failure for MPS 17, 18,19 JB to provide IMPACT ASSESSMENT MPS DCP007 - MPF 18/19 to match 13/14 NEW - WHL non-mkt meter reads to 95% and exclude vacancy YW PIP001 - CSD 0301 to enhance CMOS January Panel - TBC PIP002 - CSD 0101 & 0105 to enhance CMOS This is primarily the T103 and WHL trans sent to RTL before T103. January panel - TBC PIP022 - Change to volume estimation NEW - Remove YVE from the read sestimation process. Self Supply - Data Access changes PIP024 - NRTS - fixed volume deduction (rather than %Deduction) NEW - from TEIC - still in discussion - February Panel NWL Estimation process for Transfer Reads Reports field delimiter change to pipe Yellow denotes possible candidates for 7.0
Release Management – Pipeline. Non system affecting CPM008 - distribition of OPS charges Review Market Performance Standards MPC Settlement Payment arrangements for retailers NEW - Business terms change - TBC YW RTL DCP009 - OPS Charges to be split into two changes CPW049 and CPM0012. December Panel CSD typo updates CSD typo updates 42 changes in CSD MPS threshold review CPM008 - Market Performance Standards Review Release in March 2019 Panel approved PIP026 - MO Compliance CSD changes PIP025 - MIMP Committee changes December Panel CPW048 - Alternative Payment Terms Panel Recommend to REJECT CPW046 - change threshold for Corrective Sett Runs not CMOS affecting - Release in March 2019 release target. Panel approved TDC CPW045 Service Mngt Interface compliance release in December 2108. Authority approved MOSL CPW044 Digital Certificate Compliance release in December 2018. Authority approved PIP00N - Partial ISA release in May with 6.0 PIP006 - Developer Services PIP008 - Escalated Complaints Form PIP0NN - OPS Charges. OPS charge introduction - implement by 1st April 2019 Release in March 2019. December Panel. After next TDC meeting. PIP010 - Code inconsistency in post-RF Reconciliation Release in March 2019 Ofwat CPW041 - G read removal governance NCC005 - SC ETD to be added to SC page NCC submission to have SC ETD shown on SC screen Business Stream DCP014 - Alternative Credit Arrangement December Panel PIP023 - Second MPS review
Non Code Change (NCC)
Additional areas for redevelopment Non-Code Change Process Allows changes to CMOS or MOSL systems to be requested and considered Sharepoint location for submitting change requests MOSL EXTRANET / Non Code change Requests tracker Emailed confirmations of receipt Tracker Form of status Run consultations as per Code change CPs Submit to Panel if/when funding is required
NCC Tracker ID Request title Date submitted NCC Ref Category Trading party submitted Email Name Describe the issue Summary of change request Priority 1 DPID History - Terminated DPIDs 16/07/2018 001 LVI MOSL stephen.winnie@mosl.co.uk Stephen J Winnie Some Trading Parties are having issues checking details at terminated DPIDs as they disappear from the LVI screen once terminated. · The proposal from some TEIC members is that DPIDs should have an „Effective From Date‟ and „Effective To Date‟ on the portal, so it‟s easily distinguishable from a glance whether a DPID has been terminated or is active. · The EFD and ETD being displayed on the screen would be similar to how meters are currently displayed. · Additionally, as DPIDs can also be discontinued, it‟d be useful to have a „DPID Status‟ field somewhere on the LVI screen, with a possible set of „Active‟, „Discontinued‟ and „Terminated‟. Provide view of history if DPIDs on the Portal. similar view to that of Meter ETD history Medium 2 DPID History - Terminated Calculated Discharges 002 Some Trading Parties are having difficulties with Calculated Discharges as the LVI screen doesn‟t distinguish between active and discontinued Calculated Discharges. They state that they can only see the discontinuation if they go into the BTD. · The proposal from TEIC members is that the LVI DPID screen has some way of managing the status of Calculated Discharges; perhaps, again, by having an „Effective To Date‟ in the Calculated Discharges section. There‟s currently an „Effective From Date‟ already there, so would make sense to have the other effective date. Provide view of the EFD and ETD of the Calculated Discharges 3 Deregistration Effective From Date 30/10/2018 003 Stephen J WInnie When a SPID is Deregistered the SPID, the date from which it became Deregistered is not shown on the Core SPID screen. Add the Effective From Date of the Deregistration to the right of the code. 4 Occupancy Status Effective from Date 004 The Effective From date of the Occupancy Status (VACANT/OCCUPIED) is not shown on the Premise Core Data screen. Add the Effective From Date to the Right of the description of Occupied Premises / Vacant Premises 5 SC ETD Date column added to SC page 12/11/2018 005 BUSSTREAM-R trevor.nelson@businessstream.co.uk Trevor Nelson Tariff Code related data can easily be misinterpreted when looking at low volume interface where tariffs have been removed or at least an end date set to a date in the past, and will affect all such instances. This includes cases where Service Components were erroneously setup at market opening and have been subsequently removed. The likely consequence of this is that customers will be charged for services they are not liable for The proposal is to add an Effective To Date under the Service Component menu so that, when viewed or queried, it would be obvious which services are currently active. Low
TP Question / Issues TBC
ORWG ORWG Meetings Move to every two months, alternating with User Forum 11 December 2018 / 13 February 2019 / 10 April 2019