Steelhead status in Idaho 2010 update


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Presentation transcript:

Steelhead status in Idaho 2010 update Photograph by Ron Roberts

Dworshak 1972 Hells Canyon 1967

Lower Granite Dam Snake River Steelhead DPS. Three MPG’s in Idaho—Hells Canyon, Salmon, and Clearwater.

Steelhead return to Lower Granite Dam The proportion of total run that is wild has declined since early 1960’s. In 1960’s wild fish made up > 95%; in 1970’s about 60%; in 1980’s about 33%; in 1990’s about 14%; and since 2000 has averaged 13% (range 6% to 19%) of the total run. Since Run year 2002-03 an average of 11% of the hatchery origin fish were unclipped (range 9% – 15%). Average wild run 1980-2010 = 19,793. Average wild run 2000-2010 (black dotted line)= 26,265. Idaho Power hatcheries began smolt releases in mid-1960’s. Dworshak NFH in 1970. Spawn year

Proportion of wild Steelhead at Lower Granite Dam

Fall 2010 Return at Lower Granite Dam Large (> 78 cm) Clipped Hatchery Unclipped Hatchery

Snake and Salmon drainages--Steelhead fishing area

Clearwater drainage--Steelhead fishing area

Steelhead fall harvest in Idaho since 2000 Sport harvest is from anglers with an Idaho permit only. Does not include harvest in WA & OR waters or sport harvest of anglers who only purchased a Nez Perce tribal license. Snake harvest is of anglers who purchased Idaho permit only (does not include anglers who only had an Oregon or Washington permit).

Steelhead spring harvest in Idaho since 2000 Sport harvest is from anglers with an Idaho permit only. Does not include harvest in WA & OR waters or sport harvest of anglers who only purchased a Nez Perce tribal license. Snake harvest is of anglers who purchased Idaho permit only (does not include anglers who only had an Oregon or Washington permit).

Comparison of Chinook and Steelhead harvest

Yearly Angler effort (days fished)