EE 534 Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics Asst. Prof. Dr. Rasime Uyguroglu
Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world. Louis Pasteur
Methods Used in Solving Field Problems Experimental methods Analytical Methods Numerical Methods
Experimental Methods Expensive Time Consuming Sometimes hazardous Not flexible in parameter variation
Analytical Methods Exact solutions Difficult to Solve Simple canonical problems Simple materials and Geometries
Numerical Methods Approximate Solutions Involves analytical simplification to the point where it is easy to apply it Complex Real-Life Problems Complex Materials and Geometries
Applications In Electromagnetics Design of Antennas and Circuits Simulation of Electromagnetic Scattering and Diffraction Problems Simulation of Biological Effects (SAR: Specific Absorption Rate) Integrated Circuits Physical Understanding and Education
Most Commonly methods used in EM Analytical Methods Separation of Variables Conformal Mapping Series expansion Integral Solutions, e.g. Laplace Transforms
Most Commonly methods used in EM Numerical Methods Finite Difference Methods Finite Difference Time Domain Method Method of Moments Finite Element Method Method of Lines Transmission Line Modeling
Commercial EM Simulation Softwares FEKO XFDTD
Numerical Methods (Cont.) Above Numerical methods are applied to problems other than EM problems. i.e. fluid, heat transfer and acoustics. The numerical approach has the advantage of allowing the work to be done by operators without a knowledge of high level of mathematics or physics.