Is there a relationship between the age of an employee and the number of sick days they take each year? Find the following: Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 21.100 1.408 14.98 0.000 Age -0.31654 0.03289 -9.62 0.001 S = 1.15702 R-Sq = 95.9% R-Sq(adj) = 94.8% Find and interpret the slope. Find and interpret the y-intercept Find the LSRL. Find and interpret the correlation coefficient. Find and interpret the coefficient of determination. What is the typical deviation from the LSRL?
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 21.100 1.408 14.98 0.000 Age -0.31654 0.03289 -9.62 0.001 S = 1.15702 R-Sq = 95.9% R-Sq(adj) = 94.8% Find and interpret the slope. Find and interpret the y-intercept Find the LSRL. Find and interpret the correlation coefficient. Find and interpret the coefficient of determination. What is the typical deviation from the LSRL?
Is there a relationship between a person’s IQ and his or her grade point average? Find the following: Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant -3.077 2.933 -1.05 0.342 IQ 0.05659 0.02791 2.03 0.098 S = 0.499928 R-Sq = 45.1% R-Sq(adj) = 34.1% Find and interpret the slope. Find and interpret the y-intercept Find the LSRL. Find and interpret the correlation coefficient. Find and interpret the coefficient of determination. What is the typical deviation from the LSRL?
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant -3.077 2.933 -1.05 0.342 IQ 0.05659 0.02791 2.03 0.098 S = 0.499928 R-Sq = 45.1% R-Sq(adj) = 34.1% Find and interpret the slope. Find and interpret the y-intercept Find the LSRL. Find and interpret the correlation coefficient. Find and interpret the coefficient of determination. What is the typical deviation from the LSRL?
Nonlinear Transformations
To straighten out a curve:
Let x = the time between flowering & harvesting and y = the yield of grain. Linearize it! 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 y 2508 2518 3304 3423 3057 3190 3500 3883 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 3823 3646 3708 3333 3517 3214 3103 2776
Let x = distance from the highway and y = lead content of the soil at that point…. 0.3 1 5 10 15 20 y 62.75 37.51 29.7 20.71 17.65 15.41 25 30 40 50 75 100 14.15 13.5 12.11 11.4 10.85
Try it! Fry Time Moisture 5 16.3 10 9.7 15 8.1 20 4.2 25 3.4 30 2.9 45 1.9 60 1.3
Predict y for an x = 32
Homework Worksheet
Let’s do the M&M’s Lab: