LC-2: The Little Computer 2 Gabriella Trucco Email:
Informazioni Reference guide available online (google: LC-2 little computer) Introduction to Computing Systems From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond (A First Course in Computer Science and Engineering)
Von Neumann model
LC-2: example of Von Neumann model
Instruction 2 parts Opcode Operands LC-2 instruction: 16 bit
Instruction cycle
LC-2 overview Memory organization Address space: 2 16 locations Addressability: 16 bit Registers: additional temporary storage locations accessed in a single machine cycle Registers uniquely identifiable 8 registers, identified by 3 bit register number (R0..R7) Addressing modes: to specify where the operand is located Immediate (or literal): operand is part of the instruction Register Memory addressing modes Direct Indirect Base + off-set
LC-2 overview Condition codes: allow instruction sequencing to change on the bases of previously generated results N: negative Z: zero P: positive
LC-2 instructions
Operate instructions NOT ADD AND
Data movement Load: from memory to register Store: from register to memory LEA: immediate mode LD and ST: direct mode
Data movement LDI and STI: Indirect mode LDR and STR: Base + offset