Qur`an Appreciation
QA Lesson 8 LO: Summary of Verses 1-21 Reflection Starter: Can you name 4 names/titles of the Holy Prophet (saw) that have been used in the Qur`an as titles of a Surah e.g Ta-Ha? Answer: Yasin Muddathir Muzzamil Muhammed
Freeze Frame Motive Role QA In your groups You will create a freeze frame scene of a few verses from those that you have been studying this term. Your classmates and Teacher will then take turns to ask different “characters” questions on things like their: Divide class into groups depending on the number needed – please see handout for further explanation Feelings Motive Role Thoughts
QA Reflection
Reflection QA Thinking about what you have just discussed in the Freeze Frame activity... Think about and write down how you might have felt and acted if [G-d Forbid] something similar happened to you if you were in the role of: Prophet Ya’qub (as) Prophet Yusuf (as) One of the brothers The brother who spoke out against killing P. Yusuf (as) Example: to make it more applicable to today’s life and realistic situations the children might find themselves in we could say: - You know that someone close to you is in danger (most likely emotional and not physical) by associating with someone else. So you are in the role of Prophet Ya’qub (i.e. His beloved son was in danger) what would you do? Would you tell your loved one? Or speak out against the person you think is dangerous? Or maybe tell them to stay away?