The Joint Guard Bureau’s Learning Technology Initiatives Mr The Joint Guard Bureau’s Learning Technology Initiatives Mr. Randy Krug NGB-J7 703-607-3591 This briefing is UNCLASSIFIED
Agenda Joint State Response Training System (JSRTS) Courseware Support to the Emergency Management Staff Trainer (EMST) Courseware Support to N/NC’s Joint Domestic Operations Course Courseware Support to NGB JSAOC Courseware Support to the NGB Joint Staff Action Officers Course
tool, integrates it with an intuitive, web based JSRTS Defined JSRTS takes a tailored COTS based mapping tool, integrates it with an intuitive, web based staff trainer, and puts both in a government run virtual world, allowing thousands of soldiers, airmen, sailors and civilians to train and collaborate anytime, anywhere, at very low cost.
JSRTS Components US-Nexus: United States Nexus RaSOR-EM: Regional and State Online Resource – Emergency Management. EMST: Emergency Management Staff Trainer
US-Nexus US-Nexus is a virtual world designed to support training, education and collaboration across government US-Nexus enables large scale regional training for NG and civilian staffs
RaSOR-EM Customizable overlays with DHS and military symbols Currently in use by the NGB, State JOCs and Civilian EM Personnel nationwide Designed for trainers COTS Data-mashup–Yahoo based Over 40,000 links to emergency mgmt data, including every police station, hospital, and fire station in the country Mapping data for every county in the United States Currently Deployed to all 54 States and territories
Emergency Management Staff Trainer Focuses on C2 and data management NRF scenarios support – NIMS compliant Supports state and local civilian Emergency Managers as well as NG EASY to use – no expert support or training required for use Geo specific scenario play for every city, county, and state Free to the user
Courseware Support to EMST JOC Introduction Resource / Info Management Roles and Responsibilities (Selected TLOs) J1, J2, J3, J4, J7, J8, Aviation, JAG, Surgeon, Chaplain, Provost, Safety, CFMO Emergency Management EOC Design and Infrastructure EOC Positions (ICS/ESF)
Courseware Support to EMST National Response Framework / NIMS State EOC Coordination Earthquake Scenario Training Public Information /Media Role of Public, Private and Non-Profit Transitioning from Response to Recovery/Mitigation
Courseware Support to JDOC NORTHCOM / NGB Joint Domestic Operations Course Conversion/Update of the DL Component JDOC Partnership between NORTHCOM and NGB NORTHCOM provides content, SME, and IV&V NGB J73 Provides funding, TO management and contractor Effort: 12 months 45 “Seat Hours” approx Module 1- Domestic Operations Module 2 - Plan and Form the JTF Module 3 – Deploy and Employ the JTF Module 4 – Transition & Redeploy the JTF
Courseware Support to NGB JSAOC NGB Joint Staff Action Officers Course Conversion Conversion of NGB Resident JSAOC to DL Effort: 12 month, 40 “Seat Hours” Joint Action Officer Roles and Responsibilities Situational Awareness NGB-Organization & Joint Staff functions Staff Actions & Processes Effective Communications Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Lessons Learned (L2) (for National Distribution)
Mr. Randy Krug NGB-J7 703-607-3591 Joint Guard Bureau’s Learning Technology Initiatives Questions? Mr. Randy Krug NGB-J7 703-607-3591