ELEC-E8423 - Smart Grid COURSE DESCRIPTION MATTI LEHTONEN 20.2.2018 07.02.2018
Introduction After the course the student can explain different functions of modern electric power systems. He understands the challenges of large scale integration of variable renewable energy sources like wind and solar power in energy systems and is able to suggest solutions to these challenges: Operation of future power markets Role of Electric Vehicles in energy systems Demand response Self-healing networks Distribution system state estimation Automatic metering systems Network information systems PV hosting capacity of distribution grids Prosumers and local energy management 07.02.2018
Course structure & assessment methods The course comprises an introduction lecture and seminar presentations by the students of given topics. The students have to prepare an essay about the contents of the introduction lecture and all the seminar presentations. This essay should give a complete and holistic picture about Smart Grid. The grading is based on the following criteria: Participation to the lectures (20%) Quality of the seminar presentation (20%) Essay (60%). The seminar presentation should be in ppt(x)-format (guidelines and template given) The essay should be in pdf-format and submitted to MyCourses by 27 May. 07.02.2018
Course material The presentations should mainly based on conference and journal articles found in: SCOPUS IEEE Xplore 07.02.2018
Questions ? 07.02.2018