Creation of NH’s SPECCC Shared Professional Early Childhood Core Competencies A Cross Sector Initiative of Spark NH’s Workforce and Professional Development Committee
Eye on the prize!
Why cross sector SPECCC Mission of EC PDS Creation of cross-sector system Imbedded in work of Spark NH’s WFPD Work of other groups focusing on early childhood (NHAIMH, Children’s Trust)
Process Initiation 400 existing standards from 14 different organizations distilled in to six themes with aligned categories
Editing and Condensing June 5, 2014 Small group work begins for editing Jan. 2015 Workgroup presents to WFPD Continued edits and committee input Jan. to march 2015 Creation of glossary Creation of constituency letter for vetting March to Oct. 2015 Vetting of competencies
Vetted Groups or Individuals School and Pedi nurses Children’s mental health ESS DOE NHAEYC Home visitors Credentialing task force Community colleges Higher education Family supports TA providers Professional Development providers Head Start and Early HS Child care licensing Social work Area agencies Mental health centers After school DCYF
Feedback and comments from constituencies Overall positive Some very specific helpful feedback Specific Questions: Use in field Use in strengthening program Use in education Use in professional development
Comments, Questions Protective Factors Poverty Continuation of Vetting ? other
Next Steps Publication Endorsement Adoption Cross training Meet with other committees