Welcome to room 18~ Mrs. Henderson
Home/School Journal -comments/assignments (M-TH) -initials please -schedule posted inside - COMMUNICATION kummerkk@svsd.net
Homework - listed on the smartboard daily - typically spelling and math - 3 warnings per nine weeks - fix and return stamp
- social sciences (O,S,N,U) Testing language arts Spellingcity: lists/homework/tests math - social sciences (O,S,N,U) graded work (points listed/signature stamp/fix stamp) online gradebook (portal)
- monthly reading log 50 minutes per week punch card (prize box) Reading Records - monthly reading log 50 minutes per week punch card (prize box)
Miscellaneous Class Dojo pencils spelling folders math homework books standard yellow, Dojo points spelling folders math homework books Monday newsletter curriculum, special dates, reminders
Also… teacher website email: before 8:10, after 12:50 earbuds - classroom donations Kleenex, Clorox Wipes, hand soap -volunteering (sign up) -conferences (sign up)