Receiving Course Reserves Receiving Course Reserve Materials Services Provided & Not Provided Recalling & Searching Ordering
Receiving Course Reserve Materials Professors, their TAs, or their secretaries may place items on reserve. The following types of materials may be placed on reserve: Buswell Library books Professors' personal books Scores Videotapes CDs Audiocassettes Special models & equipment
Journals and reference materials are noncirculating items that should always be available within the library for all patrons, who need to be able to find them in their usual locations. Interlibrary Loan materials belong to a different library and need to be returned in a timely manner. Therefore, they are normally not to be placed on reserve per ILL policy agreements. However, sometimes special permission will be obtained by professors for placing select items on Reserve for brief periods, particularly within the I-Share consortium. A staff Supervisor will handle these situations. The following materials may NOT be placed on reserve: Buswells current journals Buswells newspapers Bound journals Reference materials Interlibrary Loan materials (usually)
Library staff WILL NOT retrieve library books from the shelves for placing on Reserve. The professor or a TA must do that and bring the library items to the Reserve desk. There is no limit on the total number of books or other items that may be placed on reserve.
Have the patron complete a For Course Reserves form. After the patron fills out the form, briefly review it to make sure that the professors name, department code, and course number are provided. Place the form securely with the materials and place the materials on the cart or shelves the Supervisor designates for storage of incoming reserve materials. One form per course will be sufficient unless the number of items is so great that they must be grouped into several stacks on the shelf. In that case, one slip per stack is required. Do not place one stack on top of another-- to avoid confusion and incorrect processing. If the cart or shelves become too full, ask a supervisor where additional materials may be placed. For Course Reserves Form When reserve materials are brought to Buswell for processing…
Professors are requested to also submit a related course syllabus, which should be placed with the items and the Reserve form on the shelf. The syllabus only needs to be submitted onceif additional items for the same course are submitted later in the semester, we can consult the syllabus on file. If the professor or TA does not have the syllabus in hand, it can be ed to The syllabi are kept in binders to assist us in helping students. Note: If professors want to submit photocopies of journal articles, or chapters from books, inform them that such materials should be posted to Blackboard or provided in a course pack. Give them a Course Reserve brochure for further information. The syllabi are filed by professor last name. The binders are on the Reserve book shelves, near the end, after all the books.
Recalling & Searching If a professor wishes to place an item on reserve that cannot be found on the shelves, alert the Circulation Supervisor. If the item is checked out, a Supervisor will Recall it. Computer settings permit patrons a week to respond to the recall alert and return the item. If the item is Not charged, it will be necessary to search for the book. Complete a yellow Search form, and specify that the item should be placed on Reserve when found, noting the professor and course number. We cannot guarantee that we will always be able to find a missing book, in which case the professor will be contacted, and some other solution will be implemented.
Ordering If a professor wants to order something for library purchase to be put on reserve, alert the Circulation Supervisor. This is possible by coordination with the librarians and staff in Technical Services, but there are certain procedures that must be followed by both the department and the library. Although library staff will do their best to obtain materials as quickly as possible, it may take more than a few days, depending on the supplier and shipping times.
Most of this information is covered in a RESERVES brochure. If professors or their Teaching Assistants (TAs) desire information about Course Reserves, give them a brochure. Copies are available in the holder at the Reserve Desk and in one of the supply cabinets. If they have additional questions, refer them to a staff supervisor.
Course Reserves 1 – Receiving Questions 1.Which of the following items may be placed on reserve? a. Buswell scores b. bound journals c. professors books d. reference items e. videos & DVDs f. CDs 2. If a professor brings in a small stack of 4 books to be put on reserve for the same course, how many reserve slips must be filled out? 3. Are Circulation staff supposed to retrieve library books for putting on Reserve? 4. If a professor wants to put a book on Reserve but cant find it, who should you alert? 5. What is available to give professors or TAs who desire information about course reserves?