802.11 TGn FRCC Report March 2004 Adrian P Stephens Chair TGn FRCC Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 March 2004 802.11 TGn FRCC Report March 2004 Adrian P Stephens Chair TGn FRCC adrian.p.stephens@intel.com Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 March 2004 Mandate of FRCC To provide functional requirements, comparison criteria and usage model documents approved by 802.11 TGn Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Meetings of the FRCC Telecons were held on: March 9, 2004 (23) February 24, 2004 (29) February 10, 2004 (23) Jan 27, 2004 (17) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
FRCC Documents Current Versions 11-03-813r9 (Functional Requirements) March 2004 FRCC Documents Current Versions 11-03-813r9 (Functional Requirements) 11-03-814r17 (Comparison Criteria) 11-03-802r13 (Usage Models) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Goal for this meeting To obtain TGn approval of these documents: March 2004 Goal for this meeting To obtain TGn approval of these documents: 11-03-813 (Functional Requirements) 11-03-814 (Comparison Criteria) 11-03-802 (Usage Models) And only then to dissolve the FRCC special committee Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Plan for this meeting Call for comments March 2004 Plan for this meeting Call for comments Gather / order comments (Adrian & Colin) Consider and resolve FR comments in TG Vote on 11-03-813 as amended Consider and resolve CC comments in TG Vote on 11-03-814 as amended Consider and resolve UM comments in TG Vote on 11-03-802 as amended Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Call for comments Comment on documents: March 2004 Call for comments Comment on documents: 11-03-813r9 (Functional Requirements) 11-03-814r17 (Comparison Criteria) 11-03-802r13 (Usage Models) Use template provided in 11-04-262r0 Upload to server and email to adrian.p.stephens@intel.com clanzl@ieee.org (please note updated email address!) (Do NOT copy documents to the 802.11 reflector) Comments must be on the server by 9:00am on Tuesday morning (March 16, 2004) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Document Overview Walkthrough FR (10 mins) Walkthrough CC (10 mins) March 2004 Document Overview Walkthrough FR (10 mins) Walkthrough CC (10 mins) Walkthrough UM (10 mins) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation