Water, Wind, and Weathering
Let’s not be boring The Changes of the earth The water cycle Erosion The water cycle The connection of water and ecosystems
Wind Erosion
Wind Erosion Wind blows sediment and slowly eats away landforms
Water Erosion
Water Erosion Water passes over, through, or under rock and slowly eats it away and changes the landscape
The Water Cycle It all starts in the Ocean Evaporation Condensation Ocean water is heated and turns to vapor in the air Condensation Moist air rises into the atmosphere and begins to condense as it cools. Remember the higher the altitude the lower the temperature Precipitation Moist air condenses and cools so much that it creates clouds and rain Ground Water Storage Rain water seeps into the earth, into underwater springs and rivers where it is stored Surface Runoff Rivers, springs, and lakes drain into the ocean and the process starts all over again
The Connection of the Ecosystem through water The Water cycle connects everything The Butterfly Effect We need to be more careful VICE