Terrington Parent Questionnaire Feedback 2018
The Highlights We had 20 responses All said they would recommend the school to others! We have happy, safe children at Terrington Primary School! Parents feel their children make good progress, are well looked after and encouraged to be the best they can be! Strongly agree Agree My child is happy at this school 13 (65%) 7 (35%) My child feels safe at this school. 16 (80%) 4 (20%)
What do you really like about the school? It has high standards of behaviour. It is well led and managed. The staff : “Caring and thoughtful staff” “Kind and approachable staff” The broad and balanced curriculum. The ethos and “family feel”: “Very friendly environment” “Friendly and caring school – family focussed” “My children are happy at school, and taught to be respectful of others and to care for others” “Caring and sharing” “Warm, nurturing environment, children feel safe and supported” “No competition between peers – they support each other”
What else do you really like about the school? The confidence it gives the children: “Children gain independence and confidence” “Public speaking – great for children’s confidence” “My son has gained so much confidence since starting at this school” “Children are encouraged to speak in church, plays, assembly etc = fantastic confidence building for their futures – this is your strength as a school” That it encourages a love of learning: “Makes children happy and enjoy school” “Effort is made so children enjoy learning” “Inspire a love of creative writing” “Happy children translates into hard work”
What would you like to see improved? Sport Provision and encouraging a healthy lifestyle: “More competitive team sports e.g. tennis, football, athletics” “More swimming” “More PE ” “More sport activities or after school sports clubs” “More sports offered during or after school would be great for my sport-loving children” Communication: “More communication in the planner” “I would like to hear more about my child’s progress (within reason)” Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t Know My child is encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle 9 (45%) 6 (30%) 4 (20%) 1 (5%) I receive valuable information about my child’s progress 7 (35%) 10 (50%) 2 (10%) 1 (5%)
What next? The School Development Plan (SDP) includes improvements to PE and sport provision: Employ coaches across the federation for Fantastic Fridays Attend more cluster events and links with larger primary schools Use PE funding for enhancement days Planners are checked daily by staff and school are encouraging staff to use them more for home school communication. Time constraints can be an issue with this, teachers are always available if any concerns about progress arise. Stay and play sessions to share your children’s work are now planned termly.
Your feedback means a lot to us! Thank you for reading, filling in and returning the questionnaires in the Summer term. They go out every year and your feedback is really important to us. If, during the year, you have any queries or concerns regarding the school or your children, please speak to your child’s class teacher, Miss Stringer or Mrs Moore. As well as parents, we are interested in the views of staff and pupils, and they too complete surveys during the year to help us all work towards being the best we can be!