The Expository Essay
STAAR Expository Essay… The expository essay requires students to clearly explain what they think about something. For this expository essay, you are just explaining WHAT you think about an issue and WHY you think it. Your essay must be 26 lines or less in length.
Here is a sample EXPOSITORY PROMPT Read the information in the box below. Jane Austen (1775–1817) and Franz Kafka (1883–1924) are considered great writers. Their books continue to sell, and they are widely read and studied in schools everywhere. Neither of them, however, received much recognition while they were alive. Should people do things only to be recognized? Think carefully about this question. Write an essay explaining whether a person must always be acknowledged in order to have accomplished something. Be sure to — clearly state your thesis organize and develop your ideas effectively choose your words carefully edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Expository Prompt Notice on the prompt how you were first asked to Read some information, then you are asked to Think about something, then you are asked to Write an essay. The “Write” part is what your essay should be about- THE ACTUAL PROMPT. The Read and Think parts are just to get you thinking about the topic (in this case, the topics are recognition and accomplishment)
Your Introduction Your first paragraph should introduce the idea of the prompt. This paragraph should also include your thesis statement. In the STAAR, your introduction should take up no more than 4 or 5 lines.
Body- Illustrations (examples to explain your thesis) Your body should consist of 1-3 paragraphs. This should take up most your essay. Use two examples / illustrations to help explain your reasoning.
Literature- What examples can you use from stories? Illustrations- HELP Types of Illustrations (examples): History- What have you learned in history class that could explain why you believe that position? Experience- What examples from your own life explain why you believe that position? Literature- What examples can you use from stories? Pop Culture- Are there any athletes or celebrities that explain why you believe that position?
Conclusion paragraph Your last paragraph should explain the impact or effect of what you’re trying to say. You want to use this as an opportunity to clearly connect your essay back to your thesis without simply restating your thesis.
Expository Writing – THE THESIS The first thing you need is a THESIS. A thesis is your “answer” to the prompt and says what you think about the issue.
Thesis= Point + “because” + reason (why do you think that?)
Thesis statements: Must Have It! Answers the prompt- You must actually answer the prompt given you. Don’t write about your date last night if the prompt is about necessary qualities in mentors. Specific- It’s not about simply answering the prompt, you must also clearly state why you choose that stand. (example: If you are writing about necessary leadership qualities, don’t say “leaders must be good people.” What is “good”? Why does that qualify them to be leaders? Avoid being vague.) Supportable- Can you give examples to support that thesis? If not, think again.
Thesis statements: Must Lose It! Inappropriate language and situations- This is a formal paper, being scored by people you don’t know. Present yourself in an educated manner by avoiding slang and cuss words. You are trying to prove that you are capable of the expected 9th grade level of writing.
Your entire essay should support your thesis. Expository Writing And REMEMBER: Your entire essay should support your thesis.
The “Because” part of the thesis… Adding a because statement will make your thesis much more focused and specific. Adding a because statement allows your reader to clearly understand what you’re trying to say right away! Adding a because statement will often times provide a great way to transition into your examples. Answer the prompt then add a because statement to specify your thoughts in a clear way.