Career Courses in U.S. Universities Robert C. Reardon, Ph.D. Florida State University *With assistance from Janet G. Lenz, PhD, & Beth Lulgjuraj, MS/EdS
Presentation Overview History of career courses in U.S. colleges and universities Course philosophies and purposes Starting a course Outcomes and research results The Florida State University course
Career Courses in the U.S. Based on psychology of work, occupational sociology, labor market economics disciplines Provide life/career planning knowledge Orient beginning students to fields of studies and occupations, provide a transition course for seniors, or both Increase program funding through student credit hour (SCH) production Increase student retention and degree completion
History and Features Began in early 1900s as college orientation courses Most U.S. universities offer career courses Over 30 course textbooks published May be general education or specialized (discipline specific) courses
Course Outcomes Meta-analytic studies show career courses produce large gains in career decidedness and career maturity Career courses were no. 3 of 8 effective interventions Effective career courses have 1) written student goals (ILP) 2) individual student program reports 3) objective career information presented 4) study of effective models/mentors 5) assistance in developing support networks Folsom & Reardon (2003. College Career Courses: Design and Accountability. Journal of Career Assessment
Research Results 48 journal reports of U.S. career courses since 1920s Over 83 reference citations to career course studies Over 90% of studies showed positive outputs, e.g., career decision making, career thoughts, career maturity, locus of control, vocational identity 87% reported positive outcomes, e.g., higher satisfaction, retention, graduation rates; fewer course withdrawals Folsom & Reardon (2003). College Career Courses: Design and Accountability. Journal of Career Assessment
Getting Started Are academic unit leaders supportive? Is student affairs leadership supportive? What is the level of support for the career course relative to other courses? Is instructional consultation and support available on campus?
Design & Scope. Will the Course be: Comprehensive, e.g., career exploration & employability skills? Meet both general education requirements? Required in one or more majors? A service, e.g., supplement career counseling, or focused on content, e.g., knowledge based? Credit or noncredit? Variable credit? A large or small class? For entering or continuing students? Elective or required? Open registration or targeted for groups of students?
Career Theory Base of the Course Single theory base Non-explicit theory base Eclectic theory base
When Will the Course be Offered? Best times for students, e.g., avoid 8 a.m. Best times for instructors Best times for facility use, e.g., classrooms, career center How many times per week and for how long?
Academic home of the Course Does the home make a difference in course approval, marketing, funding? Core course for majors or service course for other students? Course available through continuing education or for distance students?
Funds Generated by the Course What institutional policies affect collection & distribution of fees? Are there rules regarding distribution of funds generated by non-instructional staff?
Who Will Teach the Course? Regular faculty Professional staff in counseling, career services, advising Graduate students Adjuncts Team-teaching
Connecting Course to Career Services Program Career Center as a laboratory for the course Recruiters used as guest presenters Course used to market career services and programs, e.g., information, internships, portfolio, networking
Promoting & Advertising the Course Direct marketing to students Academic advisors, career center, and professional student services staff Faculty and academic departments Orientation & new student programs Web sites and links Parents
Text & Teaching Materials Instructor developed vs. published materials Individual learning plans (ILPs) Internet & distance learning incorporated into course Use of library materials in main college library or career center Grading procedures, e.g., performance contracts, classroom tests Course materials validated in independent, refereed research reports Course materials include products/activities with established validity and reliability
How will course be evaluated? Student ratings of satisfaction and quality of instruction Independent evaluators Use of standardized instruments, e.g., Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI), My Vocational Situation (MVS) Review of retention rates over short and long term periods Strategic review of course: how, when, who
The FSU Course 12 sections per year (28-32 students per class) Variable credit and repeatable Elective course Instructor-student ratio: 1:7-10 Team-taught instruction model Small groups, individual conferences Career Center as course laboratory Comprehensive in scope CIP and RIASEC theories used Meets 1.5 hours twice weekly
FSU Course Learning Sequence Self Directed Search Autobiography Skills Assessment Career Thoughts Inventory Instructor Conference Final Individual Action Plan SIGI 3 or eDiscover CFA Paper Information Interview Reports Draft Resume Strategic Academic Career Plan Final Cover Letter Final Resume Draft Individual Action Plan CFA Worksheet Review SDS Interpretive Report & Skills Assignment Choices Planner Draft Cover Letter Information Interviews Unit I Unit II Unit III
FSU Course Evaluations Eight published studies reporting course design and learning impact Offered continuously since 1973 Positive student satisfaction ratings Text and Instructors Manual published by Cengage Press
FSU Course Features Text and Instructors Manual in 3 rd editions Syllabus available on-line PowerPoint slides available on-line Team teaching reduces instructor burnout Training of course instructors Ongoing laboratory for career research First edition of text translated in China
For more information contact: Robert C. Reardon, PhD. Senior Research Associate Florida State University Career Center Dunlap Success Center 2124 PO Box South Woodward Avenue Tallahassee, FL phone: