Know exactly how to do the task. You must be very familiar with the steps of the process before you can write instructions. Know what the end result looks like or does You must make sure the reader will end up with the same results
Gather Your Materials: Follow the steps as you write them to be sure you are not leaving anything out
Plan how to write the steps in order Be sure to write the instructions in small manageable tasks that are clear and easy to follow. You will need to know which step is first, second, and so on. Don’t forget to use transitions such as, “First, Second, Finally, Next, Then, etc.”
If needed: Include any warnings For example: If you are explaining how to use a crimping iron, you would want to discuss how to hold it a safe distance from someone’s head so as not to burn the scalp. Ouch!
Review and Edit Your Instructions Carefully Once your writing is done, re-read your writing. Does it make sense? Will the reader be able to follow your directions precisely? What changes do you need to make Have you avoided expressing opinions or preferences? Remember, this is not an opinion piece of writing. It is step-by step directions of how to complete a task.