Ecological Engineering Project For this presentation, make sure you do a background that doesn’t make things difficult to read. Make sure to include pictures when appropriate. Be creative; be neat; be innovative. Delete this bubble when you are done. Ecological Engineering Project Names: Period: Location: Include all group member names, class period, and your park location. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Public Relations Person Ecosystem Description Producers and Consumers Group Member Roles Everyone is required to do two jobs. Write the name of the group under each job. Delete this bubble after you are completed Engineering Jobs Draft Person Engineer Finance Officer Public Relations Person Ecologist Jobs Ecosystem Description Producers and Consumers Food Chain Food Web
Park Location Include the name of the park your engineering project is being built in. Write down where it is located and include a map and pictures of the what the ecosystem at your park is like. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Eco-Friendly Park Design Include a picture of your park design. Make sure that your create a key for what certain things are on your map drawing. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Park Versatility Answer these questions in a way of promoting your idea for the park. Is the park suitable for people of all ages? Can the park be used at night as well as during the day? How is your park useful for all seasons? Is there a wide range of activities available within the park? Delete this bubble when you are done.
Cost Effective Answer the following questions in a way to promote your design. Was the entire allotted budget spent? Is energy used efficiently in the park? Delete this bubble when you are done.
COST OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Quantity/Amount of Units Needed Total Cost Rope $1 Per 10 feet Bricks Each Sand Cubic foot Stepping Stones $5 each Plants/Shrubs $10 Trash Barrels Recycling Barrels Benches (6’ long) $15 Old Telephone Poles 10’ long $25 Wire Fencing (6’ tall) $30 Per 10 running feet Asphalt pavement $40 Picnic Tables $50 Community garden plot with seedlings 10’ x 10’ Drinking Fountains $75 Pond $100 Playground equipment Per item Bick Racks $150 Barbecues Street Lights $250 Public Telescope $300 Stage (20’ square) Bathrooms (men and women together) $350 Pair Bleachers $750 Bridge $1000 Include the amount of materials and the total price for each object and all objects for the project. Make sure it is below $5000. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Materials Used in you Park Design Provide pictures of materials that you will use in your park. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Innovation and Safety Answer these questions in a way of promoting your idea for the park. Is the design unusual? How safe is the design for young as well as old users? Are there any possible hazards? Are the materials used in new and interesting ways? Delete this bubble when you are done.
Ecosystem of the Park Describe the ecosystem your park is in. What are the major abiotic factors/climate of your park’s location? Delete this bubble when you are done.
Producers Found in the Park What type of producers/plants/algae could be found in the park and ecosystem? Include pictures of what they look like? Delete this bubble when you are done.
Consumers Found in the Park What type of consumers could be found in the park and its ecosystem? Chose herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. Include pictures of what they look like. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Park Food Chain Construct a food chain with one producer and three consumers. State what level they are and what type of consumer they are for the three consumers. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Park Food Web Construct a food web with at least two producers, four consumers, and 2 decomposers. Use arrows to connect how the organisms consume one another in the parks ecosystem. Use pictures to make the food web. Delete this bubble when you are done.
Environmental Considerations Answer these questions in a way of promoting your idea for the park. Will there be enough trash cans, recycling cans in the park to keep it clean? Will there be trees, hills, and rivers in the park to create habitats for animals? How will create a safe environment for animal visitors at the park? Delete this bubble when you are done.