Structures & Functions FROG ANATOMY Structures & Functions
Liver Largest internal organ Secretes bile Aids in digestion “Does anyone have a blanket? Weird! I just got really cold! Largest internal organ Secretes bile Aids in digestion
Gall Bladder Stores bile Pancreas Makes digestive enzymes & insulin
Spleen Kidneys Kills worn out RBCs Filters blood • Remove wastes from
Large Intestine Heart Removes water from digestive material • Pumps blood
Lungs Stomach Take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide Site of food digestion before it enters the small intestine
? Fat Body Testis Stores energy for hibernation and production of yolk •Male sex organ •Produces sperm
Small Intestine Bladder Digests most of the food that is eaten “I’m drawin’ the line… Would you show your bladder? I didn’t think so!” Bladder • Stores urine