Gonzaga High School Level I Course Offerings Parents Meeting February 25, 2014
Level I Course Offerings Provide information on course offerings Ensure proper course selection Planning for three years of high school Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Purpose of the Evening
Key Numbers Courses are assigned a credit value of either 1 credit or 2 credits Each student takes 14 credits a year Over 3 years, 42 credits possible 36 credits required to graduate Graduation requirements and post-secondary plans must be kept in mind when selecting courses!!
Courses vs Credits Second digit = number of credits the course is worth: Canadian Law = 1 credit Math = 2 credits A student takes 14 CREDITS not 14 courses per year! All courses are followed by a four digit number: First digit First digit = level when course is generally taken: Art = first year English 3201 = third year
Course selection Form Three parts Required courses Elective Courses Alternate Courses
Required Courses
Language Arts Courses A Two Choices English 1201 – for most students Literacy 1204 / English 1202 – for students struggling to get through English
Canadian Studies B Two Choices Canadian History 1201 Canadian Geography 1202 French Immersion students will not choose from this category
French Immersion C Two required courses – students will register for both Français 1202 Carriere et vie 2231
Mathematics D Three Choices Math 1201 – Academic Math Practical (for students struggling to get through Math) Math 1201 / 2200 – Advanced – (85% recommended grade 9 math, a challenging program)
Science Courses E Seven Choices Science Academic Science 1206/Biology 2201 (80%) Science 1206/Chemistry 2202 (80%) Science 1206/Physics 2204 (80%) Science 1206/Bio 2201/Chem 2202 (90%) Science 1206/Phys 2204/Chem 2202 (90%) Science 2200 – for students struggling with Science
French Lang. or Career F – 2 credits French 1200 French 2200 Career Development 2201 Requires 30 hours of volunteer community service in order to graduate
Elective Courses Choose courses to make total of 14 credits overall There are many other elective courses beyond Level I
Fine Arts – G 2 credits over 3 years Art Technologies 1201 Drama 2206 – also opt Lang Arts Experiencing Music 2200 Applied Music 2206 (vocal) Applied Music 2206 (Instrumental) Applied Music 2206 (guitar/piano) Clothing 1101/Textiles 3101 NL Studies 2205
Optional Lang. Arts H – 2 credits over 3 years Writing 2203 Drama 2206 – also Fine Arts French 1200 – also Other Required Credits French 2200 – also Other Required Credits
Other Required credits I – 4 credits over 3 years French 1200 (opt Lang Arts or other required) French 2200 (opt Lang Arts or other required) Design Fabrication 1202 Skilled Trades 1201 Clothing 1101 / Textiles 3101 Nutrition 2102 / Nutrition 3102 Human Dynamics 2201
Other Required credits – 4 credits over 3 years Must be chosen from at least two different subject areas An exception is all four credits can be satisfied by Core French or French Immersion
Physical Education J – 2 credits over 3 years Phys Ed 2100 / 2101 Healthy Living 1200 (also Other Required Credits)
Possible Schedule 1 English 1201(2) Mathematics 1201 (2) Science 1206 (2) Career Development 2201(2) Canadian History 1201 (2) French 1200 (2) Phys. Ed. 2100/2101 (2)Total: 14 credits
Possible Schedule 2 Français 1202 (2) Carriere et vie 2231 (2) English 1201 (2) Mathematics 1201 / 2200 (4) Science 1206 / Chemistry 2202 (4) Total: 14 credits
Possible Schedule 3 Français 1202 (2) Carriere et vie 2231 (2) English 1201 (2) Mathematics 1201 / 2200 (4) Science 1206 / Phys 2204/ Chem 2202 (6) Total: 16 credits of courses Total: 14 credits of time
Alternate Courses Indicate a couple of other courses that could replace elective courses if first choice isnt available.
Programs For the three year view
French Immersion Program Students will complete 12 credits over 3 years Français 1202 and Carriere et vie 2231 Français 2202 and Histoire du canada 1231 Français 3202 and Histoire mondiale 3231
Core French Courses French 1200 (Core) – emphasis on oral French 2200 (Core) French 3200 (Core)
Art Courses Art Technologies 1201 Art 2200 Art 3200
Music Courses Ensemble Performance 1105, 2105 and 3105 For students who perform in the various school bands and choirs outside the regular schedule Concert Band Jazz Band Chamber Choir Concert Choir Girls Choir Male Chorus
Music Program Regularly scheduled courses Experiencing Music Applied Music 2206 –Instrumental –Choral Applied Music 3206 AP Music Theory 4227
Physical Education Courses Healthy Living 1200 (50% class and 50% activity) Phys Ed 2100 and 2101 Phys ed 3100 and 3101 Snow Hut Hiking
Enterprise Education Courses Canadian Economy 2205 Entrepreneurship 3209 (taken in Level II or III)
Religious Education Courses Ethics and Philosophy 2101 Ethics and Social Justice 2106 World Religions 3101 World Religions 3106
Technology Education Courses Entry Level Design/Fabrication 1202 Skilled Trades 1201
Technology Education Courses More advanced technology courses offered in Level II and Level III Design Fabrication 2202 Residential Construction 2201 Energy and Power 3201 Robotics 3202
Family Studies Courses Nutrition 2102/3102 Clothing 1101/Textiles 3101 Healthy Living 1200 Human Dynamics 2201
(AP) Advanced Placement Challenging program – University level –Mathematics 4225 –Chem 4222, Bio 4221, Phys 4224 –Music 4227 –History 4225 –English 4222 –Psychology 4220 –French 4220 –Art 4220
MUN Concurrent Studies Challenging program –While in their final year students can register to complete courses at MUN during the school day.
Graduation Requirements
36 credits required to graduate –Language Arts8 –Mathematics4 –Science4 –Social Studies4 –Career Education2 –Fine Arts2 –Physical Education2 –Other Required Credits4 –Any Other Credits6 post -secondary requirements are different Three Year Plan listed in the Grade 9 Handbook
Sample Three Year Plan Grad RequirementsLevel ILevel IILevel III 6 Core EnglishEnglish 1201English 2201English Optional Lang ArtsFrench 1200French MathMath 1201Math 2201Math ScienceScience1206 / Biology 2201 Biology World StudiesWorld Geog Canadian StudiesCan Geog Career DevelopmentCareer Dev Phys EdHealthy Living Fine ArtsDrama 2200Art Tech Other RequiredSkilled Trade 1201Enterpreneur 3209 Philosophy 2101 World Rel Any other subjectAP Pych Credits Minimum14
MUN Entrance Requirements Must satisfy Graduation Requirements that include –English 3201 –Math 3201 or Math 3200 –Bio 3201, Chem 3202, Phys 3204 or Earth Sys 3209 –French 3200, W. Geo 3202 or W. Hist 3209 –Any two credits at Level III –Average mark of these courses at least 70%
Final Comments Grade 9 Handbook provided tonight and is also available on the Dept of Ed web site. (includes 3-year plan) course selection information available on schools website
Final Comments Students are asked to have their course selection sheets returned to their Homeroom teachers by this Thursday.
Final Comments Check our School Website for further information: gonzagahighschool.wordpress.com This Powerpoint is available under the events calendar