CVS By: Mark Henkel
General Syntax The general syntax of all cvs commands: cvs cvs_option command command_option
Checking out from your repository Checkout all the contents of your previously set up repository into the directory of your choice. cvs -d path_to_professors_pub_directory checkout -d directory_name_of_your_choice your_umbc_username Example from my graphics class: cvs -d /afs/ checkout -d CMSC435 henkel1
Adding to the repository Add a new file or directory to the repository cvs add file_name cvs add directory_name Example: cvs add main.cpp cvs add CMSC435
Removing from the repository Remove a file or directory from the repository cvs remove file_name Example: cvs remove main.cpp
Updating Receive a copy of any files in the repository that are not currently in your working directory. cvs update –d Throw away your latest changes and retrieve the last checked in version of a file cvs update -C file Check what files in the working directory are in the repository and which files have been edited cvs –n update
Checking differences between versions Check the differences between the version in your current directory and the version of the same file in the repository. cvs diff file_name Example: cvs diff main.cpp
Committing a new version to the repository Updates the file of the same name in the repository to the current version in the working directory cvs commit -m “a short message talking about the new revision"
Help For a list of all cvs commands cvs help Additional help on any single command cvs --help command_name Example: cvs --help diff List of cvs global -_ options able to be used with all commands cvs --help-options
Work Cited Srevilak. "A Quick and Dirty Guide to CVS." A Quick and Dirty Guide to CVS. N.p., 17 July 2009. Web. 01 Apr. 2013. <>. Barczak, Joshua. "CMSC 435/634: Introduction to Computer Graphics." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2013. <>.