3rd General AssemblyX 8 – 10 December 2015 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Since 2nd General Assembly Based on 2015 Annual Plan, demand-based learning opportunities provided As of Nov 30th 2015 18 events organised 6 Learning Offers including 2 E-Courses, 7 exchanges pertaining to peer- learning, 2 WGGS meetings, 2 CF meetings, 1 technical assistance Performance tracking of the network launched in March 2015 Progress assessed against the LOGIN logframe Pre and post event assessments undertaken (informs learning design, content, next steps…) Working Group on Governance Structure constituted in June 2015 Group revisits LOGIN’s governance structures
2015 Learning Offers WORKSHOPS What When Countries Participants Key takeaways Horizontal Learning Program 28-30 June 9 29 M: 62% F: 38% Potential for adaptation of HLP in country contexts Local Development Funds 7-9 July 11 53 M: 66% F: 34% Network with other local government institutions in countries/ region Follow-up on good practices in capacity building wrt LDF Local Gov. Training Institutions 12 21 M: 65% F: 35% Exchange on training of trainers programmes Strengthen regional networking Functional Assignment 2-4 Sept 10 30 M: 74% F: 26% Country specific approaches, experiences and challenges Stakeholder roles in strengthening FA process
2015 Learning Offers (conti.) E-COURSES What When From (Countries) Who (Participants) (Experts) Basic Concepts of Fiscal Decentralisation (2nd Edition) 12 Oct to 9 Nov 11 46 M: 67% F: 33% T.R.Raghunandan (inputs from Jesper Steffenson) Functional Assignment (1st Edition) 16 Nov. 2015 – 15 Jan. 2016 10 42 M: 60% F: 40% Rainer Rohdewold and Gabe Ferrazzi
HLP included in Nepal’s LG capacity development strategy 2015 Peer-Learnings PEER-LEARNINGS On Between When Initial outcomes Interactive Capacity Building Programme Bangladesh: NILG India: RSCD and Abhivaykti Media for Development May and July ICBP plan and core group constituted. Course outline developed. Key stakeholders and pilot sites identified Political Empowerment of EWRs Bhutan: BNEW India: THP May and Oct BNEW acquainted with SUGRAMA + SWEEP. THP to assist with campaign akin to SWEEP in Bhutan Horizontal Learning Program Bangladesh: HLP partners anchored by NILG, local govt. departments Nepal: HLP partners anchored by LDTA, local govt. associations, MoFaLD July and Sept HLP included in Nepal’s LG capacity development strategy 3rd LOGIN General Assembly
Rolling out learning offers Planning Learning demands articulated by members at GA Demand clarification at country level by country facilitators (key learning needs, experiences to share with others) Planning meetings with country facilitators (Febr and May 2015) Learning Topics finalised Development of brief concept notes for each learning offer with broad outline of content and methods and criteria for participation Identification of key resource persons and content experts Roll-out Development of detailed concept notes in collaboration with key resource persons/ experts and host organisations where applicable Pre-event assessment of participant expectations Collation of inputs from participants based on country level experiences Based on these the agenda is developed for each event together with resource persons and event facilitators Facilitation and backstopping support is provided for all events Follow-up Concurrent assessment of the event is carried out and post-event plans are harvested Follow-up learning agenda developed Detailed report of all learning events are prepared and shared on MELP 2/22/2019
Current Status 212 institutions connected via LOGIN’s activities since 2013 72 Knowledge Maps received so far In 2+ years, 405 individuals from 17 countries engaged in knowledge exchange and peer-learning At country-level, engagement enabled through the platform 38 events (including network management meetings, Learning Offers and peer-learnings) held in 30 months Members exhibit commitment towards LOGIN via knowledge demands and learning offers Collaborations with CIRDAP and Cabinet Secretariat, Mongolia in Learning Offers with international experts on key learning topics
Changes Triggered by LOGIN Government of Nepal includes HLP in its LG capacity building strategy In Bhutan, women’s political participation in electoral processes takes center-stage The National Institute of Local Government, Government of Bangladesh prepares a tailored course for elected women representatives National Council (Upper House) of Bhutan anchors the local governance assessment (undertaken with support from SDC) National Finance Commission, Nepal seeks advise from LOGIN on its composition, mandate and working
What marks progress in 2015? Roll out of ambitious plan 6 out of 8 Learning Offers carried out 2 old and 1 new peer learning engagement, 1 technical assistance support Members/ Country Facilitators more centre stage in annual plan preparation Wider range of sharing methods and international know how Higher participation overall in learning offers (number of countries, types of institutions, number of participants) Performance tracking system rolled out 2/22/2019
What marks progress in 2015? Members/ Participants involved to a greater extent in content development and performance tracking Overall high satisfaction levels in learning offers Greater interaction between members at country level (meetings, virtual exchanges) Higher dissemination by participants in their countries WGGS mandate and functioning - an important milestone 2/22/2019
Challenges The integration with FDFA more procedural rigour and some restrictions Country Offices, Platforms and Secretariat relationships constantly being redefined country to country Significant delays in setting up of WGGS leaving limited time for deliberations within the WGGS as well as with the platforms Limitations in follow-up of post-learning actions Platforms not well placed as yet to leverage the sphere of influence of existing and potential membership Role definition in working with members who offer to host events (logistics and content shaping) and not allowing for it to be a ‘showcasing event’ Sustaining the motivation, rigour, consistency through ambiguity 2/22/2019
Current Preoccupations Network identity Acceptance by governments Legitimacy Membership Work plans Evolving structures enabling flexibility From stand-alone events to deeper peer-engagements Transforming network activities Reassessing roles and relationships (platform, network, GA, OC, Secretariat, SCOs) Charting a path to autonomy Network sustainability
Expense Statement (Jan to Oct 2015) Projection Dec 2015 Total Expenses 761,090 CHF 1,100,000 CHF Network Learning 57 % (71%) Network Governance (WGGS) 3 % Secretariat Costs 23 % (15%) Country Facilitators 17 % (11%)
Looking Ahead Expand and deepen network engagements; include other countries and institutions in the region, deepen peer- engagements Demonstrate results and impact; consolidate and map evidence of achievements Ensure network sustainability; strengthen ownership, institutional structure and finance …Mid-Term Review (dates TBC) to guide future interventions and activities of the network.