Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2
Potpouri Napoleon Revolu-tion People Vocab Battle/ Tactics Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
This estate is the nobility $100 This estate is the nobility
$100 2nd Scores
This estate is the clergy/church $200 This estate is the clergy/church
$200 1st Scores
Meeting of European powers after Napoleon was exiled for the 2nd time $300 Meeting of European powers after Napoleon was exiled for the 2nd time
$300 Congress of Vienna Scores
These groups of people were not happy with the rights of man $400 These groups of people were not happy with the rights of man
$400 Women and the Church Scores
$500 Name three of the many countries that declared war on France after Napoleon retreated from Russia
Russia, Austria, Prussia, Britain, Netherlands and Sweden $500 Russia, Austria, Prussia, Britain, Netherlands and Sweden Scores
Napoleon sold this plot of land to the Americans $100 Napoleon sold this plot of land to the Americans
$100 Louisiana Purchase Scores
Attacking this country in winter was a mistake $200 Attacking this country in winter was a mistake
$200 Russia Scores
$300 This country used guerilla tactics to defeat Napoleon during the Peninsular War
Portugal with British help $300 Portugal with British help Scores
Napoleon was exiled this many times $400 Napoleon was exiled this many times
$400 Twice Scores
$500 Napoleon tried this system to blockade Europe to make them self-sufficient
$500 Continental System Scores
The people stormed this prison to get gunpowder $100 The people stormed this prison to get gunpowder
$100 Bastille Scores
$200 Give me two reasons for the start of the Revolution
$200 Bad harvests, unusually cold winter, overtax 3rd Estate, Enlightenment thinkers, involvement in American war for independence Scores
$300 This Estate called themselves the National Assembly to make laws for the French people
$300 3rd Scores
$400 Group of nobles that left France to entice the monarchs of Austria and Prussia to invade France to restore the monarchy
$400 Emigres Scores
$500 These people fought against the National Assembly to retain the monarchy
Counter Revolutionaries/Royalists $500 Counter Revolutionaries/Royalists Scores
Took over after Napoleon was exiled $100 Took over after Napoleon was exiled
$100 Louis XVIII Scores
$200 Members of the radical political organization during the French Revolution
$200 Jacobin Scores
$300 Group of 5 men that ran the executive branch prior to Napoleon’s Consulate
$300 Directory Scores
Louis XVI’s finance minister $400 Louis XVI’s finance minister
$400 Jacques Necker Scores
$500 These people were not part of the rich, so therefore they did not wear the knee breeches
$500 Sans culottes Scores
Daily Double
$100 Madame Deficit
$100 Marie Antoinette Scores
Public run school that Napoleon set up $200 Public run school that Napoleon set up
$200 Lycee Scores
Robespierre’s time in power was known as this. $300 Robespierre’s time in power was known as this.
$300 Reign of Terror Scores
$400 The pledge that the National Assembly made until they drew up a constitution
$400 Tennis Court Oath Scores
The new beheading machine $500 The new beheading machine
$500 Guillotine Scores
Major defeat of Napoleon that ended his reign in France $100 Major defeat of Napoleon that ended his reign in France
$100 Waterloo Scores
Battle where Napoleon lost 2/3 of his fleet $200 Battle where Napoleon lost 2/3 of his fleet
$200 Trafalgar Scores
The tactic used by the Russians when Napoleon invaded $300 The tactic used by the Russians when Napoleon invaded
Scorched Earth/Turn and Burn $300 Scorched Earth/Turn and Burn Scores
Tactic used by Portuguese to defeat Napoleon $400 Tactic used by Portuguese to defeat Napoleon
$400 Guerilla Warfare Scores
Napoleon’s major victory in Austria $500 Napoleon’s major victory in Austria
$500 Austerlitz Scores
Final Jeopary Question Jeopardy Monarchs Final Jeopary Question Scores
What two problems that the people had with Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette?
Conceiving children, spent too much money on wars/houses/needless things, not strong leaders, appearance Scores