Taking Care Of YOU While Parenting Teens Led by Suzanne Simpson, M.Ed., LPC
Three-Fold Relationship Relationship withYOURSELF Relationship with God Relationship with Others- spouse, children, and friends
Loving Yourself Giving time to yourself to meditate on scripture or journal Focus on affirming statements rather than self-condemning ones Setting boundaries with others Connecting heart with Father God Identifying lies around identity
Identify Emotional Triggers
Biggest Emotional Challenge Raising Teens Letting go of control Lack of consistency in co-parenting Buttons being pushed Not meeting our image for value Preparing for empty nest with spouse
Lies From Receiving the Father’s Love I don’t deserve His love. He can’t possibly forgive me for my past mistakes. I am not worthy enough to receive His healing. I’ll never trust again. He’s distant and unavailable. No one has ever been there for me.
DeSynchronized Heart
Build the Capacity for the Father’s Love Focus on an Immanuel (God with us) moment – An interactive moment with Jesus. Acknowledge appreciation memories- Focus on what you appreciated in the memory. Refresh the experience – “Lord help me to refresh the perception of your presence.”
Steps for Releasing Stress Identify triggers Practice gratitude & acknowledgements Release offenses toward God, self, or others Taking on the yoke of His presence Math: 11:29-30 Identify irrational beliefs Practicing declarations
He Goes After the One Lost Sheep Luke: 15:3-6
www.renewedlifecounseling.com suzanne@renewedlifecounseling.com (720) 981-0713