Praying for Senegal Republic of Senegal


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Presentation transcript:

Praying for Senegal Republic of Senegal If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.  - John 14:14

Geography President: Macky Sall Land area: 196,722 sq km Mainland Africa’s most westerly state: arid, with few natural resources. Population: 12,860,717 Capital: Dakar Official language: French. Language of wider communication, Wolof; spoken as a first language by around 40% of the population Languages: 46

Senegal is an atypical African country that defies most people’s expectations.  Home to at least twelve diverse ethnic groups and one of the most stable democracies in Africa, the nation has fostered a reputation of mediation, tolerance, and acceptance.  This is rare for most of the African continent.  The capital, Dakar, sits on the westernmost point of Africa overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, which feeds both its fishing and tourist economies.

With a mostly agricultural economy, Senegal has been devastated by droughts, and as these dry periods push citizens from rural to urban settings, social issues such as alcoholism and drug use have permeated the population.  Though the tradition is slowly dying away, the practice of genital mutilation is still performed in spite of government reform. 

Also, the nation is plagued by multiple health problems, including intestinal and parasitic infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Due to lack of sanitation, medical personnel, and adequate medications, many of these preventable diseases result in death.  A growing practice of sending children to live in schools that, in turn, disperse the children to the streets to beg for money and food has resulted in a malnourished, uneducated, and forgotten generation.   

Due to the level of religious freedom, a source of pride for the Senegalese, Christians are able to worship freely and evangelize.  The New Testament has recently been translated into seven languages and seventeen other translations are in the works.  Though ninety percent of the population claims the Islamic faith, Christianity is starting to take hold as hearts remain open in the Senegalese people. God’s at work in the nation, and He is moving mightily.

Religion Christians 825,658 25,792 11,709,683 91.05 Religion Pop % Largest Religion: Muslim Religion                 Pop % Ann Gr Christians 825,658 6.42 3.0 Evangelicals 25,792 0.2 6.1 Muslims 11,709,683 91.05

Prayercast Senegal Though ninety percent of the population claims the Islamic faith, Christianity is starting to take hold as hearts remain open in the Senegalese people.  God’s at work in the nation, and He is moving mightily.

Evangelicals - challenges Bible translation. Much has been achieved in the last 25 years. At least seven long-awaited NTs are published, namely Wolof, Serer, Mandinka, Tukulor, Fulakunda, Jola Kasa and Bassari. Work is underway on 17 other translations, with several teams being led by Senegalese. Pray for the Scripture translation teams, and for widespread distribution of and response to the Scriptures.

Dakar the capital is the most strategic location for evangelizing the entire country. Pray for this city to become a source of gospel light for the whole country. Mission activity in Senegal is changing significantly. Increasingly, workers and agencies arrive from Latin America and Africa to join the work of older and established missions. Evangelical believers are few. Their growth rate is slow, and only among the Serer, Bassari, Balanta and Jola.

Prayer points Pray for spiritual breakthroughs among the Muslim majority. • Pray for the small body of believers to boldly live out their faith in a way that draws Muslims to Christ. • Pray for indigenous churches to be planted among many unreached people groups.  Pray for increasing numbers of dynamic and well-prepared evangelists, pastors and Christian leaders. Pray for ministry among the 30,000 street children in Dakar and 400,000 children at risk generally.