Training on Public Security Meeting of Caribbean Academics and Experts on Public Security: Looking ahead towards MISPA III
Public Security Policies Political level Training Information Research Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas MISPA Committee on Hemispheric Security CHS Inter-American Police Training Program (PICAP) Public Security Executive Training Course Website Inter-American Observatory on Security (OIS) Victimization Surveys
The studies Police Systems 2008 The Public Security Executive Training Course 2009 Private Security 2008 Report on Citizen Security and Human Rights (IACHR) 2009
MISPA I (Mexico 2008) low salaries and precarious social benefits. instability of work low requirements for admission into the force Limited attention is paid to developing a career police force. There is a lack of clarity as to the most suitable police model and policing strategies to be followed. deficient Internal control mechanisms. a lack of external oversight by government and civil society. High degrees of institutional autonomy remain and thus there is a lack of checks and balances and controls by police authorities to ensure sound police action. Systematic increases in qualifications for admission to the force are necessary. Training systems are being established but there is little evidence to show that they are actually used and implemented. Police initiatives are not evaluated or monitored. The Police forces in most of the countries have (1) : (1) Public Security in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities
The Public Security Executive Training Course Oriented to civilian and police officers. The feasibility study ( 4 consultants covered 15 countries ( JA, TT, GR, BZ) The october 2009 meeting of main Police Academies from, Brazil, Canada, Chile,El Salvador, Mexico and US. The proposed subjects – International instruments – The relation between the different institutions (police, judicial system) – Public security policies – Human Rights – Use of force
The Public Security Executive Training Course oLeadership oCrisis management Governance Gender perspective and police Intelligence based policing Accountability Community police – Criminal Information systems
how 1 week per month in different countries 5 countries 3 weeks per month of virtual work Evaluation For english speaking countries ( 3 months) 1 week per month in 3 different countries 3 weeks per month of virtual work Evaluation
PICAP Enhance police management Promote the profesionalization of the police Promote the horizontal cooperation 1 to 2 weeks training courses Professional Development Scholarships A selection committe integrated by The Police Academy, the DPS, and the Department of human development
PICAP "Police Development in the 21st Century" - in collaboration with Carabineros de Chile 2007 "Accountability and Police Modernization" - in collaboration with the Chilean Police of Investigation, since 2008, three training courses. Training on Systems of Criminal Information – in collaboration with the Secretariat for Security of Mexico since 2009 Training on Police Intelligence - in collaboration with the Colombian National Police and the Latin-American and Caribbean Community on Police Intelligence (CLACIP) since 2010
PICAP future activities 2 weeks training course on Organized Crime in the Caribbean countries supported by the OAS and the SSP of Mexico. Training on Criminal Information Systems Distance education courses using the Brazilian education platform (english and spanish).