Warm Up Today is the last day to complete work for the 9 weeks. If you are missing stuff I will not grade it after today. If you’re missing stuff for another class you may get that done as well.
Warm Up: Thursday, October 5 What inferences can be made about muckrakers based on this cartoon?
Muckraker Activity Grab three sheets of paper and cut them in half hot dog style. Grab one half sheet. Fold your sheets of paper in half (hamburger style) and staple the edge with two staples. On the cover page, put your name, date and period along with the title, “Progressive Era Muckraker”. PHONES NEED TO BE PUT AWAY!!!!!
Warm Up Get to work on your muckraker gallery walk. You have the entire period to finish. If you will not finish in time, take pictures of the stations. It is due first thing when you walk into class tomorrow and or Thursday. DO NOT WASTE TIME SOCIALIZING!!
Muckraker Activity You are an early 1900’s muckraker exposing the negative aspects of American society during the Gilded Age. For each of the 13 stations in your Muckraking Notepad you will need the following information: 1. A Headline: Theme and Author. 2. Photo: Describe the photo. (i.e. What do you see/notice going on in the photo as it relates to the problem discussed in the station?) 3. Article: Identify 2 issues/problems/hardships faced by Americans in regards to the problem. 4. Quote: What is the author in the quote saying in relation to the issue you are investigating?
Warm Up Turn in your muckraker gallery walk activity. Make sure you grab the presidents video questions. Get out your guided notes and be ready to take notes.
3 pieces of paper. Cut each piece in half length-wise. Stack and fold the papers. Staple across the top. In this activity, you will assume the role of muckrakers to investigate problems in the United States in the early 20th century.
1. Problem: Headline and Author. For each of the 13 stations in your Muckraking Notepad you will need the following information: 1. Problem: Headline and Author. 2. Photo: Describe the photo. (i.e. What do your see/notice going on in the photo as it relates to the problem depicted in the station?) 3. Essay: Identify 2 hardships faced by Americans in regards to the problem. 4. Quote: What is the author in the quote saying in relation to the issue you are investigating? Every part of the city has problems to investigate, you will investigate these problems one by one. Slums By Jacob Riis Life for people in the slums is terrible. People are living on top of one another. Children are beaten and ignored. In fact, children are “dying with measles. With half a chance [they] might have lived; but [they have] none.”
Progressive Muckraking 1890-1920 Caney Creek High School
What was the Progressive Movement?
What do you think these photographs say about society? Muckraker Preview: You will now examine 3 photographs, describe each photograph in your notebook, be as descriptive as possible. A What do you think these photographs say about society? B C