Unit 3: Society & Culture – Dystopian Literature Day 7
Daily Agenda Day 2 Bell Ringer: Bell Ringer Review #15 Vocab Spotlight: Ambiguous, Anachronism, Anarchy, Apathy Dystopian Notes: Dystopian Controls & Protagonist Lit Lesson: F451 Part One
Bell Ringer Correct the following sentence. A totem pole is a large wooden pillar carved by americans in the coastal regions of the pacific northwest it expresses a familys kinship with animals and spirits.
Vocab Spotlight Sample Sentences The 1940 Royal typewriter sitting on the shelf in my mother’s office is an anachronism in our high-tech digital world. 2. The teacher’s instructions were so ambiguous that none of the students understood how to conduct the experiment. After the guilty verdict was announced, anarchy ensued in the streets as angry protestors chose to loot stores and burn buildings. Near the end of the school year, many students struggle with apathy and see their grades go down as a result. Anachronism Ambiguous Anarchy Apathy
Dystopian Notes Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics Access the Dystopian Notes on the class website. Review Dystopian controls and protagonist. What is the primary and secondary control being used in Fahrenheit 451? How does Montag exemplify the Dystopian protagonist?
Clean-Up & Assignments Clean-up work area & throw away garbage. Homework: Finish reading pages 19-45 and draw a diagram of the Mechanical Hound, including labels for all features mentioned in the book.