Welcome to English II Mr. Rogers – A4
Where and When to Find Me Room A4 (the one you’re currently inhabiting) Tuesdays and Thursdays: lunch, break and 3-4 p.m. Other times (just let me know) By phone: (925) 682-7474, ext. 2604 By e-mail: robert.rogers@claytonvalley.org
What the Course is All About Help you become a better reader, writer and thinker Prepare you for college reading and writing assignments Get you to think about the ways in which people relate to each other, as groups and individuals
What We’ll Be Reading To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee Animal Farm, George Orwell Hiroshima, John Hersey The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseni Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare Other short stories, plays, essays, articles and nonfiction
What We’ll Be Writing: Notes!
What ELSE We’ll Be Writing Essays Writing Exercises (informal, quick responses) Research Paper (don’t panic!) Oral Presentations Creative Assignments Don’t do this.
Other Assessments Three Benchmark Assessments (October, December, March) California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)
Who Am I? Born in Columbus, Ohio Grew up in Plymouth, Massachusetts Writing career includes newspapers (Marshfield Mariner, Marin Independent Journal), magazines (Global Traveler), radio (WATD- FM) and greeting cards
Who Am I? Live in Benicia Wife, Nam, is also a writer Two children: Peregrine (3) and Graham (9 months) Cat: Oliver
Class Policies Attendance: You gotta be here. Period. YOU are responsible for identifying and making up missed work. You can check that day’s assignments at www.claytonvalley.org.
Class Policies Assignments should be typed, double spaced on white paper using 12-point Times New Roman font. Questions about an assignment? You can always ask.
Class Policies Food and Drink: No Phones: No Really? Yes. Here’s why…
Grading Points System Keep track of your grade through Power School You can always ask (during office hours)
Materials Binder Books Stuff
Welcome to 2014-15!