Class Teacher Mrs Rachel Lemon Welcome to Rainbow Learning Hub Ysgol Gynradd Llandeilo Success with a smile Nursery and Reception Class Staff Class Teacher Mrs Rachel Lemon Teaching Assistants Miss Tara Robinson Miss Tammy George Have you seen our website? Check regularly for photos and updates.
Part time pupils – 8.50am – 11.45am. The following need to be returned as soon as possible. - Starter Pack - ‘I can’ Booklet Dinner Money -£2.50 per day Any dinner money can be posted in the post box located in the corridor. Envelopes are available from the School Office. Part time pupils – 8.50am – 11.45am. Your child will need: A School bag. PE Kit – black shorts, white polo shirt, trainers ( to be kept in school) Wellies ( to be kept in school) Waterproof all in one (to be kept in school) Spare clothes to be kept in school bag (pants, socks/ tights etc.) Labelled lunch box/ bag (if your child is having sandwiches. Drinks (No fizzy drinks please) During summer months a hat (Kept in School) Full time pupils – 8.50am – 3.30pm. ‘The Brilliant book’ will come home every Friday and will include your child’s achievements across the week. Please return by the following Monday. A Homework folder containing a selection of activities will be given once your child has settled with us. Please return by the following Monday. Rainbow Learning Hub Can parents encourage pupils to hang their coats and bags up independently each morning please. Please encourage your child to put any fruit in the basket and label the fruit with your child’s name using the labels provided in class. Everything has to be labelled clearly with your child’s name.
Rainbow Learning Hub Timetable Day Information Give me 10! Each week parents are invited to come into class to read a book with their child. This takes place every Wednesday from 3.10 – 3.20pm. Rainbow Learning Hub Timetable Day Information Monday Return ‘Brilliant Book’. Return Homework. Tuesday Nursery and reception Homework is given out. Wednesday Show and Tell Day Give me 10 Thursday PE Day Friday ‘Brilliant Book’ is given out. Forest School Friday – Welly Walk. Reading books: Will be changed and issued when we feel the child is ready to move on. Please encourage your child to read every night. Reading books need to be returned every day. Show and Tell We encourage pupils to bring in any items to show their class mates. The items must be related to the theme. NO TOYS PLEASE. Homework Menu Your child will be given a homework menu at the start of each new theme, Pupils can choose pieces of homework to complete. Please return by the date stated on the homework menu. Thank you for your continued support.