Live like you’re not afraid to fail! Live like you are fearless!
Fear God, Not Man Fear God Matt. 10:26-31 God is merciful – fear Him Lk. 1:46-50 Fear / Obey / Judgment Ec. 12:13-14; 2 Cor. 5:10-11 Reverence, not horror 1 Jn. 4:17-18
Fear God, Not Man Necessities of life Lk. 12:27 Religious scrutiny Jn. 3:20 Intimidation, persecution 1 Pet. 3:14; Rev. 2:10 Civil authorities Rom. 13:3, 7
Fear God, Not Man Speak God’s word Phil. 1:14 Work out own salvation Don’t turn away from God Heb. 4:1 God’s word will not fail Lk. 16:17; Is. 55:11
Fear God, Not Man Ministry of the Spirit, not fail 2 Cor. 3:7-8 Wicked will fail Job 11:20 "But the eyes of the wicked will fail, And there will be no escape for them; And their hope is to breathe their last."
It Takes Courage Courage: mental or moral strength afraid, but doing the right thing Joshua Joshua 1:6-8 David 1 Sam. 17:45-47 Jesus Heb. 5:7-8; Matt. 26:39
Live like you’re not afraid to fail! Live like you are fearless!