Welcome class of 2020!!
Administration Principal: Mr. Travis Joshua Assistant Principals: Mr. Ellis A-Can Mrs. Dowdy Cao-Fi Dr. Nelson Fj-H Mrs. Polk I-Man Mr. Boles Mao-Pr Mrs. Munlin Ps-St Mr. Barnes Su-Z Mrs. Mitchell-Wilson
Essential Question What are the high school graduation requirements for incoming 9th grade students?
Graduation Requirements for students entering 9th grade in 2016 Pass all required coursework 23 Credits (units) minimum EOC will count for 20% of course grade Must pass EOC Courses to graduate Algebra/Geometry, Biology, U.S. History/Econ, 9th Lit/Amer. Lit Must choose and complete a Career or College Pathway (3 courses)
Required Credits 4 units of English 4 units of Math 4 units of Science 3 units of Social Studies (World His, US His, Econ/Gov) 1 Physical Education (.5 Health/.5 Personal Fitness) 3 CTAE or Fine Arts or Foreign Language 4 units of electives (A minimum of 2 units of the same foreign language is required for college admission)
New Career/College Pathways Career Pathway 3 classes in the same career path Business Technology Marketing Graphic Design Culinary (Cooking) Cosmetology (Hair) JROTC (Army) Food and Nutrition Video Production Fine Arts Pathway 3 classes in the same art area Band or Orchestra Vocal Theater Arts Visual Arts Language or Academic Pathway 3 classes in the same language or 3 AP classes Spanish French AP Science, Math, English & History
To be promoted to 10th grade: You must earn 5 units including 1 unit of: English (9th Lit, Honors 9th Lit) Math (GSE Algebra or GSE Accelerated Algebra/Analytical Geometry A) Science
It’s good to know . . . Ninth grade advisement Second semester of 9th grade Parents, students and teachers meet and create a 4-year course plan and pre-register for 10th grade courses Daily grades are available online via Synergy/Parentvue code access that students will get in homeroom and parents may get in main office Students must accept more responsibility (checking grades, transcript, turning in work on-time, etc.)
School Counseling Make appointment with your counselor at the front counter or email at firstname.lastname@cobbk12.org School Counselors assist with: • Individual & Group Counseling • Parent/Teacher Conferences • Test Preparation and Tutoring Services • Peer Mediation • Academic and Behavioral Intervention • College and Career planning
A-Ca Webb Cb-Gi Tinsley Gj-Kn Freeman Ko-O Robinson-McDonald P-Sm Burch Sn-Z Williams-Chandler